Day-1 (Knock) How it started..

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Fortunately or unfortunately I was born in this family, which seemed so small but yet so big to include me in it. I presupposed myself to be the only child until one day a super eccentric incidence took place. That eventually blew my mind off.
Alright, it wasn't that eerie as someone may suppose it to be but it was beyond my limit of being strange.
When I was just a mere student of elementary school suffering from this everlasting disease of homework-phobia I was burdened with one more. Which is world widely known as 'depression'. And the only reason for my so called disease was the emergence of this new product in my market "sister." I may talk a bit like business, as my dad is the Chairman of this huge industry called "Shang-da" which I've heard passed onto him from my grandfather. He was always so into his business that he talked formally even when he was compelling himself to spend some quality time with us e.g me and my mother. Before the arrival of my 'sister'.
The funniest thing of all was that I was fooled by my parents. They never told me that I ever had a sister, it was just suddenly one day she appeared to be at home and I mistaken her to be a babysitter. An elementary kid is old enough to avoid having a babysitter, including, I wasn't expecting someone to arrive with a luggage out of the blue & demanding me to call her sister due to any biological ties.
My parents, I mean our 'shared' parents explained me that she was my elder sister. Just two years older than me & she'll be staying with us. I felt like something cracked on the top of my head. I be like, " Whoah! I got an elder sister out of nowhere, who'll be staying with us. That's too all of a sudden."
Actually, my sister was enrolled in a boarding school ever since pre-school. My grandma further explained me that she was way too mischievous of her age. So my parents enrolled her in a very strict boarding school in expectation of instilling her with some solemn manners. But the school had had enough of her until it was forced to drive her out. Yeah, she was an elder sister who was also expelled from a very terrible boarding school.
Few years later when she was in the last year of school something even more enticing occurred. She was again repeating grade 12 due to her miserable grades & I somehow managed to pass to her class due to my continuous promotion. My sister was 2 years older than me, yet we both shared the same class? "Wonderful!!" 
It was great that my elder sister was in the same class as mine but I was also full of embarrassment of her presence. Homeroom teachers always taunt me for almost anything that went wrong because of her. My friends were so into her that they almost forgot my existence. My best friend "Farm" was so much into her that he'd start to drool whenever she was mentioned.
Farm was this extremely geek & nerd guy who well defines all the typical words that are used to define a loser in a rudimentary way. He was my best mate for the fucking six years. And we both have seen each other's butt. That's how I explain our deep friendship. I was glad that I had such a close butt buddy but unfortunately I wasn't only blessed with a butt buddy but also with a dickhead enemy.
John was my best old enemy since pre-school. He started this animosity first by eating my lunchbox not for a day but for almost everyday when I was busy washing hands or maybe peeing in the washroom, since kindergarten. Because of him my childhood went in hunger. I meant lunchtime. One more thing, our families were rivals. My dad once told me that Hsia Feng was the biggest competitor of Shang-Da and they were always trying to beat one another in terms of tender. I don't know whether or not John's dad told him the same. But he seemed to inherit the animosity to its fullest.
I was walking on the pavement in front of our school when Farm called my name. "Called out" would be a polite word for "shouted out" or "announced". It felt like I was a subject whom a great officer called for interrogation. With a I'm-so-washed-out-look I gestured him a fuck sign. He was laughing. Let me tell you, this shameless bitch was always laughing. I can guarantee, even if a top dog knock him down he'll still be laughing. He's so hilarious.
I said with attitude.
He raised his brows for a second, and then went back to his previous reaction. A reaction that explained that something went wrong. Something to worry about.
With the reaction paused on his face, he uttered.
"Knock!!! Knock!!! Knock!!! He said.
"Farm! Farm! Farm!!!" I said.
"Stop making a poem & listen to me!"
"Yeah, what?"
"Your sister....."
"Did she died?"
"That's terrible."
I sighed.
"How can you wish your sister to die?"
" I can."
"Well that's not the case, actually, actually, actually, did you know that she was dating Korn?"
"What ?-Korn!! Naww!!"
I added to sound very very curious than usual.
"I'm jealous of Korn, she got your sister man."
"I'm jealous of his bravery, I mean he's so brave to deal with her."
"You're joking?"
It took Farm a whole minute to realise that I was reacting sarcastically. Thank God that at least he understood, or else it'd been a trouble to explain.

My sister was dating Korn? It was more surprising than Donald Trump being the president of USA.
Korn was this extremely cute guy with a better body growth than any of us in the entire class. Obviously, he wasn't as handsome as me but we both had the charisma to compete against each other for the university "Moon" when we get into university. He was always into studies. He was a much updated version of Farm, he seemed cool outside & nerd inside. Despite of Farm's countless effort he always managed to be in the first position.
He's super intelligent. And good looking.
I knew the moment I learnt the news that my sister went after him to pass this class, so that she can easily get into university to allure a bunch of young freshmen. That's disgusting.

Many chapters ahead 💙❤️❤️ Please share your opinions 👨‍❤️‍👨 👬❤️

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