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i winced as i held on to my books. i shouldn't have come back to school this early, yet the thought of missing any more classes was worrying me, which meant that i had negotiated with my mother so i could come back.

i had barely gotten any sleep the previous night, after dropping off taehyung at his place. my heart clenched just at the thought of him. or what was left of it anyway.

it could've been just my imagination, but i could've sworn everyone was giving me looks as i walked through the halls. they had probably heard of the accident, and, if news traveled as fast as jungkook always said they did, they probably knew the reason for it as well.

i blew a strand of hair away from my face. i wouldn't be 'the girl who was cheated on' once again.

i put on the most confident look that i could muster. even as they all seemed to stare me down as if they pitied me. i didn't need their pity, i needed to be left alone. and for the first time, i was actually glad class was almost starting, so that i wouldn't have to deal with their whispers and stares.

"anastasia-ssi? what are you doing here?" i heard a female voice speak, my body instantly relaxing.

"hi yuna," i spoke to the younger girl. "i was feeling better, so i decided to come."

"you just got out of the hospital yesterday," she furrowed her eyebrows, motioning for my books. "give me those, i'll help you."

"thank you," i spoke as i handed her the books so that i could open my locker. doing everything with only my right hand was tough work.

"i'm... so sorry, about what happened," she spoke uneasily. i could tell she didn't exactly want to bring the topic up, yet she still felt the need to offer me comforting words. i let out a sigh.

"it's whatever, really, i'm over it," i lied. of course i wasn't, no one forgets someone they love like that.

"i wish jungkook hadn't said those things the way he did," she pursed her lips.

"it's alright, yuna, really," i offered her a half smile. "if he hadn't, i probably would've still been blindsided about all of this. although it wasn't ideal, it was needed anyway."

she gave me a short nod, her eyes looking elsewhere. it was if she knew something else, or suspected something else, yet she couldn't tell me. i didn't bother her with that.

"i'll accompany you to class," she turned to me. "if you want, of course."

"sure," i smiled and walked next to her towards my first class of the morning.

"so, are you going to let people sign your cast?" she quipped.

i let out a small chuckle. "isn't that a bit cheesy?"

"perhaps," she shrugged. "but i think it could be fun. people could leave small get better soon messages and all that."

i nodded and let out an inaudible sigh. the truth was, i wasn't close to that many people, so it wasn't like they would all jump to write on my cast. it was something silly and cheesy, yet it made me realize that without taehyung, i barely had anyone else besides namjoon and possibly yuna.

"so, this is where i leave you," she spoke, handing me my books so i could hold them with my free arm.

"thank you, that was really nice of you," i motioned towards the books.

"it's nothing, honestly," she smiled. "i'll see you around?"

i showed her a quick smile but she lifted her finger so she could speak once again. "and if you need anything at all, please tell me."

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