Chapter 1

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After a while, everyone became friends and Katie and Serena both had three princess keys also Katie, ash, Jordan, and Caroline all had seven badges and were coming to the final gym, but first, they were all going to the final contest to see who would be crowned Kalos queen.

At the contest place, all the girls were excited to try and beat Ary the current Kalos Queen. everyone had done a great job, when it was almost done it was down to Ary and Katie, which this time Katie was using her Pikachu and girl Meowth and Ary with her two Pokémon. Katie and Ary both preformed and waited to see who would win then the announcer called his Pokémon and he dropped the crown on Katie who was very happy that she was the new Kalos queen. after she met up with her friends and they all congratulated her on a good job then they all went to eat lunch and then sleep in the poke centre then they would head for the icy gym in the morning.

In the morning Katie woke up and hugged Pikachu and she woke up then she got ready to meet all her friends at breakfast and get ready for the hike up the cold icy mountain then she went to meet all of her friends.

In the lobby Katie sat with her friends and ate breakfast and then went to retrieve all her Pokémon and then chose who to use in battle "you all set Katie", asked ash. "yeah let's go", said Katie, then they put on their warmer clothes and went to the last gym before the League "Is everyone ok", caroline asked. they all nodded until they got to the gym.

At the gym, first ash was up and he lost. so he was going to come back the next day, then Jordan went and he lost. so he was going to try again too, then Caroline went and she won, then Katie went. she had defeated two of the gym leaders Pokémon, but when she tried to call out her third Pokémon. everything got dizzy and dark, while she could faintly hear her friends calling her name.

Later that day Katie woke up in a hospital bed in the Pokémon centre and she saw pika next to her "pika what happened", asked Katie, "oh good your awake", said Serena, "what happened during the battle", asked Katie. "well one second your battling and the next you faint for some reason, but you won the badge", said ash, "well I don't know what happened, but what does the doctor or nurses say", asked Katie, "well they took a blood sample and haven't come back yet", Bonnie said. there was then a knock at the door, then the doctors came in "hello everyone I'm doctor white and could you all step into the lobby please while I talk to miss Katie alone please", asked doctor white. they all then stepped out while the doctor spoke to Katie alone.

In the hospital room the doctor stood beside Katie's bed "so miss Katie do you know why you fainted", asked dr.white, "no, that's what I'm trying to figure out sir", Katie said. "well when we took your blood it came out not ordinary, do you have any family", asked dr white, "yes I have a mom, I can give you her number", said Katie, "that would be great", dr.white said. Katie then gave him her number and he called her and she came right over in her car "where is she, is my baby ok", asked Katie's mom, then the doctor came out and lead her to Katie's room. "hi mom, what's up", asked Katie, "doctor can I speak to her alone", asked Katie's mom, "of course", dr.white said, then he left.

In Katie's room her mom came over and talked to her "what happened today sweetie", asked Katie's mom, "well I was battling in the last gym that was icy and cold, but then I fainted for some random reason", said Katie. "wait wait wait did you say icy cold gym oh no this is bad, this is very bad", Katie's mom said, "what is, what are you talking about mom", asked Katie. "ok I'm going to tell you a story when you were a baby you weren't born by me, you were given to me by a man, that said I had to protect you until you were older, but he said never go into an icy cold place, or it would hurt you", Katie's mom said. "then who is my real parent and what do you mean it would hurt me", asked Katie. "well when you get out of here, here's his address and it would hurt your wings, sweetie I'm sorry but your a fairy it won't make sense now, but he'll explain to you soon, I'll always love you", said Katie's mom. "ok I'll miss you, but I'll figure this stuff out when I meet him, but what about the doctor", katie asked, "I'll deal with them, you just get dressed and go to the league with your friends and find him after", said Katie's mom. Katie nodded and did what she said, then left to her friends. she went to her friends "hi guys, I'm safe to go now, so let's go back to the gym except me and someone else, I don't wanna risk getting hurt again", said Katie. "that's fine with us how about clement comes with Jordan and me, while you four girls have some fun then will meet up later to set out for the Pokémon league", said ash, "that's a great idea", said Katie. The girls and boys separated and went to do their own things before meeting up again that day and go to the league.

A little bit later they all met up together and ash and Jordan had won the badge. while the girls went shopping and battled then they started their long journey to the Kalos league to see who would win.

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