Chapter 9

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David called their mom "hello Delia it's me", David said, "oh hello David what do you want", Delia said, "our daughter has been taken", David said, "what by who I'm on my way to alola", Delia said, "ok hurry I'll explain everything when you get here love you", David said. "yeah ok", Delia said. she then hung up and went to the airport "ok your mother is on her way, so will just wait until she gets here", David said, "ok that's fine", ash said.

In the fairy world Katie opened her eyes to see some other fairies she tried to scream, but the fairies covered her mouth "please don't scream we just want to talk", one fairy said. Katie nodded then they took their hands off her mouth "ok what did you want to talk about and why did you bring me here", Katie asked, "our queen requires you and we wanted to ask what those little balls are", another fairy said. "ok and those are my poke balls they carry Pokémon in them", Katie said, "cool can we see a Pokémon", asked a fairy, "sure", Katie said. Katie then let one out "cool it's so cute and fluffy", a fairy said. Katie then returned her Pokémon to the ball "that was cool now will take you to our queen", the fairies said. They then took Katie to see her.

While that happened, Katie and ash's mother was landing in alola then she went to the address David told her and knocked on the door and David answered it "hello Delia come in", David said. she went in the house and saw ash, but not Katie "ok so what happened", Delia asked, "ok well I just brought the kids here because of the season with their wings. so once they woke up we talked for a few minutes when the portal opened and took Katie", David said, "you don't mean, but we haven't been there in years since I was there", Delia said. "yes that one now I need to call a friend to help us get there", David said, "ok", Delia said. David then called him "hey it's me I need favour could you come up", David asked, "sure I'll be right up", he said.

The fairies took Katie to their queen, the fairy guards opened the gates and they went inside "lady Katie is here my queen", a fairy said, "Good you may leave me with her", the queen said, "yes my queen", the fairy's said. The fairies left Katie and the queen alone then she went up to Katie "ah you look like your mother dear", the queen said, "you knew my mother", Katie asked. "yes when I was little she was the best queen until she left with that human", the queen said, "so why did you bring me here your majesty", Katie asked. "for revenge for her leaving her people behind", the queen said. a gas then came into the room and made Katie sleep.

Back at David's he got off the phone then a hole appeared in the floor next to him and a Demon came through it "oh so who's that", asked Delia, "this is my friend from down under Scott and he's going to help us with finding Katie", Scott said. "hello madam and hello again ash", Scott said, "hello again How are you going to help", ash asked, "like this", Scott said. He then opened a portal to the fairy world then handed a walkie talkie to David "now you three go through the portal while I stay here to make sure nothing happens on this side while you report back to me", Scott said, "ok that's perfect will see you after we get her back", David said. The three then went through the portal.

In the fairy world Katie woke up, but couldn't move or remember anything then the queen came in "ah how's my daughter", the queen said. Katie then giggled "awe that's my good girl oh laddies please start training her to be the most proper lady", the queen asked, "of course madam", the fairies said. The fairies then took Katie out of the crib and started to train her.

In another part of the fairy world "now be careful we don't know what's happened since we've been here", David said. David and ash then heard Delia scream so they looked behind him and saw her "honey what happened I thought you didn't have wings", David said, "I think they came back when I came through the portal", Delia said. "well don't worry they will only be there for a little bit now lets get to the palace", David said, and ash nodded then they all flew to the palace.

At the palace Katie was learning and growing fast, so the queen came back to cheek on her and she was grown up and proper "good day mother", Katie said. "how are you Katie are you ready to do royal things", asked the queen, "yes mother, but what about my Pokémon", Katie asked. "oh my fairies will take care of them just follow me", the queen said, "ok", Katie said. Katie then followed the Queen to the balcony.

Delia, David, and ash flew until they reached the palace then snuck in through a window then looked for Katie. So they started searching which they found her Pokémon and ash took them, then they followed to where they thought Katie was, then found her next to the queen. the queen had sensed something then she turned in shock "how did you get here no matter she's mine now", the queen said, "oh no you don't give me my daughter back", Delia said, "(gasp) you are a trainer get out of here", the queen said. "mother what's happening who are these people", Katie said, "their no one sweetie just go do more princess duties", the queen said. Delia then whispered something to her husband then he did what she said "what where am I, what am I wearing", Katie asked. Katie then remembered everything "you evil fairy queen mom dad help", Katie said but then got pika, "use thunderbolt", Katie said. Pika did which knocked the queen out which made two fairies amazed and wanted to have a Pokémon of their own then Katie thought and gave them Roxy and ruby then left to go home while David reported to Scott.

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