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Woojin patiently waited for the two drinks he ordered by the side of the counter. The two arrived at the nearest café after a somewhat quiet walk. Woojin went to order for the two of them while Hyejin picked a spot by the window for them to sit.

Woojin couldn't help but steal glances at her while he waited. She looked outside the window, staring at the cars driving by in silence. She had this aura around her, he couldn't describe it. She kind of reminded him of fresh cotton candy. She looked too perfect to touch or ruin, he could just be simply satisfied just from looking at her afar.

The barista handed the drinks to him and he made his way to Hyejin. He passed her the hot chocolate before sitting down in front of her. She thanked him, smiling as she drank her favourite hot beverage.

The two didn't say anything. Hyejin continued to look out the window while Woojin awkwardly played with his thumbs. They both didn't know what to say, or who should speak first.

After a few minutes of silence, Woojin cleared his throat, "So..."

"Soo..." She said, matching his tone of voice. Why is something simple like that making my heart skip a beat?

"How should we do this?" He asked. "Do you want to tell your side of the story or should I ask you questions while you answer them." He was nervous, he had a lot of things to ask but was afraid Hyejin would cry again; it hurt to see her cry.

"Um... how about both?" She suggested, setting her cup down. He simply nodded and waited for her to speak.

"First I just want to say I'm sorry—" Woojin cut her off.

"Hyejin I already said there's nothing for you to be sorry about, it wasn't even your fault." He said looking into her eyes. She quickly looked away feeling flushed.


"S-Sorry for interrupting, you can continue." He quickly apologized. He didn't want to interrupt her but he really wanted her to stop blaming herself. I'm such an idiot, I have no manners.

"It's okay..." She quietly said. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak.

"The first day I talked to Jinyoung, I couldn't recognize him. I didn't know him. I thought he was just some stranger. Sure the name sounded familiar and I questioned it for a second but its such a common name so I didn't think much of it. But the moment I met you guys, I realized none of you were strangers. Once you all told me your names I realized you guys were from my school. And I'm serious when I say that I was trying to tell you guys. And I have screenshot proof if you want to see." She quickly took out her phone, scrolling to the pictures of the group chat.

She scrolled for what felt like hours to get these screenshots a few days ago. She was worried that their conversation from that long ago would be gone, but to her luck it was still there.

"Hyejin, you don't need to prove to me you were telling the truth, I believe you either way." He said, giving back her phone. She slightly gasped at his response.

"Oh come on, I did not scroll for hours just for you to say 'I believe you'. Give me some praise at least." She playfully rolled her eyes, making him smile. She's slowly becoming herself again.

"Oh my gosh! Wow! Thank you for showing me the screenshots Hyejin, without these I never would have believed you!!" He says enthusiastically, with a hint of sarcasm. Her eyes widen, shaking her head while laughing. This is the Hyejin I want to see.

"Continue." He said, smiling at her.

Hyejin explained the rest of the story to Woojin. He sat there, listening to her. He listened to every word she had to say, and comforted her when he could tell she was starting to get emotional. Every now and then he let her take a break before speaking again.

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