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bit of a long chapter ahead. hang in there, grab a snack if needed ;) ♡


"So, who's going first?" Jisung asked, crossing his arms.

Jisung, Jinyoung, Woojin and a few of the other guys were in an empty classroom. The two culprits were hiding from Jisung all day until Jaehwan saw them and decided to snitch. Grabbing them by the ear, Jisung dragged them to an empty classroom after school hours.

"Well?" Jisung raised his voice, making them flinch.

"Wait don't start, Jihoon isn't back with the popcorn yet!" Jaehwan said, Daniel nodding eagerly beside him. "Oh and some tea... but not literal tea I hate tea ew, so he's getting juice instead."

"I still don't know why I agreed to let you guys stay here for this." Jisung shook his head, he was slowly regretting saying yes to his friends.

"Well I mean who's gonna hold you back when you jump on them out of frustration?" Daniel reminded him.

"Not sure if that'll happen since I put them on different sides of the room, like children in time out."

Jinyoung and Woojin were seated on top of desks on either side of the room while Jisung and the 'by-standers' aka the audience that consisted of Jaehwan, Jihoon and Daniel sat at the back windows, waiting for the show to begin.

Jinyoung and Woojin remained silent, only looking at each other with glaring eyes and furrowed eyebrows.

Jisung sighed, "Fine if you two nut cases won't speak, then I will—". He was about to continue until Jihoon burst through the door with a savory, buttery snack and drinks.

"Sorry I'm late, some guy infront of me decided to heat up his rice cakes, like who does that at the end of the day?" Jihoon hopped on a table between Jaehwan and Daniel, passing their drinks to them, "Did I miss anything?"

"Luckily no since you interrupted me from talking." Jisung looked at Jihoon, who was too busy stuffing popcorn in his mouth to pay attention to his words.

Jisung looked back towards the moody boys, "Alright, lets start. First things first, you two are brainless morons—"

"Preach!" Jaehwan praised, lifting his juice box up in the air, the boys beside him following after. Jisung glared at him before continuing.

"I'm not sure if you hit your head somewhere or are just blinded by love, but I don't know what you were thinking ruining Hyejin's date, Jinyoung."

Jinyoung shrugged, "Whatever happened, happened. Can't go back and stop myself from doing what I did."

"Hmm maybe if I hit you hard enough you'll travel back in time to a century ago, it'll give you plenty of time for you to stop yourself from doing it again." Woojin cocked an eyebrow at Jinyoung.

"Woojin I did not give you permission to speak." Jisung scolded him, making Woojin roll his eyes. "Didn't know we were in court."

"Surprised you would even know what a court hearing would be like. You must have committed a few crimes for you to know. Might as well add this one to your list." Jinyoung spoke up.

"Yeah and in a few minutes another will probably take place." Woojin rolled up his sleeves, threatening Jinyoung from across the room.

"H-Hey, you guys need to relax okay! There's no need for physical fights." Jisung almost slipped off the desk, afraid they were about to pounce on each other.

"That won't be a problem, Jinyoung can't even throw a punch. He only specializes in cat fighting." Woojin smirked.

"Oh I'll show you a punch."

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