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— 6 Months Later —

"Hey put that down! Jihoon get back here! You two stop running around!" Jisung was panicking, trying to chase after everyone as they were all running around and causing chaos in the store.

"Jisung can you get this for me please!!" Guanlin held up the toy race car in his hands, shoving it in his face.

Jisung shook his head, "We are not here to buy toys. The only reason we're here is to scout and reminisce Toys R Us before they close forever. Now put that away and act your age."

Just as the last few words slipped out of his mouth, Jihoon and Woojin run past him, lightsabers in hand, "Speaking of 'act you age'... YOU TWO GET BACK HERE NOW!" He left Guanlin's side and ran after the pink duo.

Guanlin pouted, watching him leave. He then started to move down the aisle, searching for his best friend.


He turned around, grinning from ear to ear when he saw her at the end of the aisle. It was like she knew he was looking for her.

She skipped up to him, "There you are! Hey I heard Jisung mumbling something about you wanting this car?" She asks, pointing to the toy in his hand.

He nodded, "I really do! Can you get it for me Hyejin!?" He pleaded to her, giving her his best smile, "I'll pitch in some money! But... I only have 5 dollars."

She chuckled, patting his shoulder, "Of course! I'll pay the rest. Come, lets get it now before we leave."

The two made their way to the cash register, passing by an angry Jisung who was rounding up his friends. Guanlin puts the toy on the counter, taking out his wallet from his pocket.

"So uh, are you really going to play with the car?" Hyejin asked him, taking out her own card.

"Actually... no its not for me. It's for my little cousin. He came from overseas to visit and I really want to get him something before he leaves." Guanlin explains, smiling a bit, "He's like a mini me, and he's been begging for a toy car for days now."

Hyejin gushed at him, "Aww that is so cute! I've gotta see him before he leaves!" Guanlin shyly smiled, "Thanks for helping me buy this Hyejin, I promise I'll pay you soon."

Hyejin took the shopping bag from the cashier and passed it to him, "No need to thank me. I don't mind helping a friend like you!"

The two walked out of the store and towards their friends who were waiting out by the entrance. "Hey Guanlin, what are you doing with my girlfriend?"

The two look towards the boy approaching them. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, slightly pulling her away from Guanlin.

"N-Nothing! We were just getting my cousin a toy!" He explains, pouting at the two. Hyejin chuckled, smacking her boyfriend in the stomach, "Stop being so mean to Guanlin, he's just a baby."

"I know I know~ I'm just joking. I hope your cousin likes the toy." Guanlin immediately smiles at him, "Thanks! I'm sure he will since Hyejin helped me out!"

"Well yeah, of course. She's my girlfriend, everything she does is worth praising about." She rolled her eyes, smacking his arm this time, "Shut up trash, you're embarrassing me."

Guanlin giggled, pointing at the two, "You two are cute~"

Jinyoung looks at Hyejin, smirking slightly, "She sure is."

"Come on guys! Lets get something to drink before we head home." Minhyun called to the three. They started walking to the rest of the group, making their way towards a nearby Starbucks.

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