5.Logince (The Virus)

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Not my best work, in terms of interaction between characters.

In this AU, people can choose the trait they want (see pic above). You'll learn more about this world about through the chapter.


Logan Belmont stared idly out the glass plane, his arms crossed behind his back. His gaze was thoughtful, the early morning sun dancing across his face. His neatly washed and pressed black suit provided an attractive contrast to his snowy white dress shirt. A dark blue tie adorned his throat. His dark eyes glinted with a calculating gleam, his long, sturdy fingers fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeves, an unintentional habit.

Logan was reflecting on this world, the happenings of the last few decades, the situations they, all people, were forced into. It had been like this as long as he could remember. How he envied the people in the tales he was told, of before everything had happened.


Back then, people had lived in functional cities with normal everyday lives. There was structure and order. Everyone had a place. There was still conflict and crime, but human beings aren't flawless. They will never be. Those people could trust others. They could make connections with people for the purpose of friendship, for... love. Not only because they had to, because they wanted to survive, live for one more day, one more week. They did it for their happiness.

Then the virus happened.

It unfolded so unexpectedly with so little idea on how to stop it. Humanity had never encountered something quite like this. Someone had dubbed it "The Virus" and the name had stuck.

No one knows how it originated. If it was man-made in a lab, a disease passed on from animals or came from some mutated bacteria. It crept into everyone so carefully, it wasn't noticed until it was too late. Way too late.

Everything started slowly. Here and there people got what was assumed to be the common cold.
Nothing too serious to raise suspicion. A runny nose, a little cough, tiredness. Not so bad everyone couldn't continue to do what they normally did.

But more and more people were getting sick, and it wasn't just a cold anymore. It wasn't even considered one illness anymore, but several.

Every symptom you could possibly imagine was evolved into the extreme. A temperature so high, the person was roasted from the inside; coughing up about a quarter of the body's blood in one go; swelling in the throat, until the person choked to death; so fatigued, even moving the tiniest muscle seemed an insurmountable task.

The more people that got infected, the more the illnesses spread and worsened. There was hardly a person left who wasn't infected.

Before anyone could bat an eye, half of the world's population was wiped out. Everyone thought it was the end. This was how humanity was brought to its knees- no big bang, no sun exploding, no raging fires, no cries of soldiers in war. Merely a sickness that got out of hand.

Then it stopped.

Those measly few who weren't infected could stop isolating themselves. The ones that managed to hold out for that long were cured overnight. No one could understand why or how, but we're eternally grateful. For a small while, everything seemed......... peaceful?

The living mourned the dead, thinking of The Virus with hatred, but relieved that death didn't loom over them. They were forced to hunt for scraps of food or any other resources they needed to survive.

Earth was no longer it's beautiful thriving self- humanity wasn't the only one affected by The Virus. Thousands of once growing plants wilted, only the strongest living to taste the sunlight the next day. Without the necessary food and shelter, the number of animals decreased rapidly.

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