chapter 9

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Maggie's POV

After breakfast Shawn brought me out to a car. "You have to put this blindfold on." he told me. I was so nervous on where he was taking me but I trusted him. He put his big hands around my face as he tied the blindfold. He guided me into the car and we pulled out of the parking lot. The car ride was silent. I didn't know what to say and I was guessing neither did he. 15 minutes later the car stopped. Shawn got out of the car first and came around to help me out. He took off the blindfold and I was so happy. We were at the Santa Monica Pier. It was a little like a boardwalk there were roller coasters, cotton candy and a Ferris wheel. "ahh!!! How did you know I love this place. I used to come here as a kid!" I said. A huge grin went across his face "I'm so happy you like it. What do to want to do first?" he asked. "THE ROLLER COASTERS DUH!" I yelled. We both laughed and headed for the nearest one. We did all the rides and laughed till our stomachs hurt. The sun was setting and it was a beautiful view. "Come on there is one more surprise!" Shawn looked at me with his I have a plan face.


I AM SO SORRY I HAVENT BEEN UPDATING. I have had a lot going on but I am gonna try updating once a week from now on (maybe twice if your lucky 😊) forgot how happy this makes me so yeah 😉.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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