Thomas Jefferson(Mar or Jo Hutcherson-Rossi) - royaltybyheart
Eliza Schuyler-Hamilton(Elizabeth Hamilton) - octaveshigher
Hercules Mulligan(Hector Faucette) - mullerfashion
Theodosia Burr Sr.(Theodora Jones) - theodora.j
Antonio Churchill - antoniooo
Elijah Churchill - shadybagel
Justin Theodore - pokadotpoker
Kim Stephens - iwriteworldsnotbooks
Celeste Gold - cynicalsuccess
Tor Long - riflescopes
Paul Hall - recipefordisaster
Eliza Parks - parksnrec
Alice Roosevelt - windyuphere
Chuck 'Henry' Lockhart - conwizard
Jerry Sanders - jerryno
Tracy Johnson - t.johnsontheodora.j created the chat 'study group jones'
theodora.j added @royaltybyheart @octaveshigher @mullerfashion @antoniooo @shadybagel and ten others to 'study group jones'
theodora.j: hello everyone! you know me as ms. jones(and if you don't then you desperately need this group) and i teach algebra II, advanced history, and english
theodora.j: would you all please introduce yourself?
shadybagel: hello! i'm elijah churchill, he/him
mullerfashion: Heyo I'm Hector Faucette and I go by Muller(my middle name), he/him
antoniooo: i am antonio churchill, he/him, pleasure to make your acquaintance(digitally at least)
royaltybyheart: hi y'all! i'm jo or mar hutcherson-rossi, he/her/them!
octaveshigher: beth hamilton, she/her
pokadotpoker: justin theodore robinson here! he/him
iwriteworldsnotbooks: I'm Kim Stephens! She/Her please!
cynicalsuccess: celeste gold(it's hilarious, i know), she/her
riflescopes: tor long y'all! they/them
recipefordisaster: paul hall(i'm not joking okay), he/him
parksandrec: i'm eliza parks! she/her
windyuphere: hello everyone! i am alice roosevelt, she/her
conwizard: i am chuck lockhart, and i'm continuing the hilarious name train, he/him
jerryno: jerry sanders, he/him, and so am i
t.johnson: tracy johnson at your service, she/her
theodora.j: wonderful! now you may get yourselves acquainted, as i will be posting meeting schedule soon!
recipefordisaster: only two of us use capitalization. root them out.
jerryno: paul no
recipefordisaster: paUL YES
windyuphere: that's ironic
shadybagel: yep
iwriteworldsnotbooks: Excuse me, I happen to have a valid reason for my use of capitalization.
mullerfashion: As do I???
t.johnson: yes?
mullerfashion: Well I'm running a business and auto-cap is helpful to look professional
iwriteworldsnotbooks: Same actually, I must look professional to a ton of people that I communicate with over text.
antoniooo: nice
pokadotpoker: okay @conwizard your name is amazing
conwizard: no it's not please just call me henry that's my middle name
to debate current events(a reincarnation au)
Fanfiction~reincarnation is the norm, and people usually have their revelations by the time they're 18, but some people prefer not to pay attention to their revelation(s), as people can have many past lives. hamilton the musical exists. people are usually ope...