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He noticed her first

The way she sat down on the floor. In submission. Her hands raised in a crescent shape as she glanced upwards. Her face hidden from all view- from all the prying eyes wanting to catch a glimpse at her.

Dressed in black, from top to bottom. The fabric remained loose on her figure, hiding it away from the greedy world. He noticed how a loose strand fell across her cheek. The brown hair  crowning her features and her creamy skin.

The world had come to a stand still and all that ever remained, was the woman before him. He found it strange, how such a sight held him captivated yet no matter how much he tried. He couldn't avert his eyes.

This was wrong. So wrong!

The congregation had ended and like a flood. The courtyard was filled with people from all walks of earth.  Suddenly, the view was being comprised. All of a sudden he could feel the rush of the people around him, running and walking. Trying to get back to their little sinful lives.

He tried keeping his eyes trained on her, but he was slowly losing her. He was losing the sight of her.

A nudge to the side had his gaze snapping away from her. Glancing at the man beside him, the first thing he came view to was the dark forest eyes staring directly into his.

The emerald green in them, reminding him of a smoke whispered across the Arabian campfire, and no stranger was his friends to the compliments.  He glanced at the man sporting a leather jacket. His hair falling loosely across his forehead. Indicating he was overdue for a haircut.

An irritated look now morphed his feature, causing the side of his lips to pursue into a smirk.

" Moustafa what are you looking for?"

His friend asked. The scrunching of his eye and the look of utter dumbfound making him almost grin. The man hardly ever showed his emotions, and somehow Kenan had managed to see just that. His distracted self.

" No one"

He murmured back glancing at the courtyard, again. Seeing people rush out of the blue mosque. Going back to their homes, to their work and a life they prayed they didn't lead. It was strange for Moustafa to be here, in this crowd on a Friday.

He wasn't meant to be here. Though desperate times calls for desperate measures. And he was made to come here. He had drove through almost every part of Istanbul, through places he didn't think existed and the last stop was here.

Yazad had signed a three year contract with them. To have their shares divided equally -or so Moustafa thought when he realised they had been robbed off by millions.

He hadn't been too pleased to find such information and there was only one man who could do this job- himself.  Which is what landed Moustafa here. In scorching heat trying to find a man who was probably hiding somewhere in the sewers, and not the holy place in front of him.

" Want me to check inside ?"

A deep voice spoke making Moustafa glance over to his friend. Seeing him reach easily towards his jacket and take out a small hat. A small smile came across his face, and he tried hiding it. He couldn't let Kenan see his bemusement and he certainly didn't comment on his surprise, on finding Kenan's hat stored away in his pocket.

Though Moustafa kept his thoughts to himself. Kenan might swear up and down Istanbul, that he was- till date this notorious flirt he so claimed. But even Moustafa knew, at heart. He kept his lord close to him.

" Kenan, he isn't here" Moustafa replied  back wanting to leave this place. Yet, a part of him urged to stay a little bit longer. Just for a few more moments and stare at the woman. The woman who had caught his eyes across the courtyard.

Almost as if his prayers had been answered. He caught a sight of her, making something ache in his chest.

Moustafa stared in amazement as the woman slowly stood up, causing his breathing to heighten.

Glancing at the calligraphy across the dome. She looked like a fallen jewel from a King's crown. Meant to be placed away- hidden from all views. Her face illuminated against the light around her and for that split second Moustafa almost forgot how to breath.

As if noticing his eyes on her. The young woman ever so slowly turned around. Amongst the crowd of hundreds, she stood inside the large courtyard, under the dome.

Her fiery eyes landing on him. In that moment it was as though everything was disappearing in to oblivion. All that was ever around them stilled as the woman held on to her veil and did that one thing. Which stole his cruel heart.

She smiled at him
• • •

So here we are on a new journey. I really hope you all liked it and if you did. Please let me know your thoughts.

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