chapter two

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Thank you ImmortalSoul51 this is so beautiful!

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Thank you ImmortalSoul51 this is so beautiful!

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" Draw as if your heart and soul is wielding that pencil"

Professor Rachid heavy accent flowed in his words, echoing across the large lecture room. There was utter silence, of course the occasional cough and sniffing filled around them yet there was silence. Each ones eyes fixed on Professor Rachid samples on the board, the projector flickering the image across the wall.

It was no doubt that the professor was talented yet Farya couldn't help feeling utterly baffled at how exquisite the work was across the walls. The small part of the wall covered in ancient islamic textiles whilst the rest decorated with carved Arabic. Verses and verses written across the wood.

" It isn't about how well you can draw, it's about how well you can tell the story" Professor Rachid clapped causing the lights to fill the lecture room making Farya's eyes flinch a little.

Glancing at the man standing before them. She could see Professor Rachid was wearing his favourite brown tie and his greying hair was brushed extra neat making her smile. It seemed he did take her advise and the older man finally scored a dinner date with his wife.

Farya felt her mind drifting away as the professor continued giving them a speech about the philosophy of ones imagination. Swallowing sharply, Farya felt her heart heavy at the conversation she had with her dad, last week.

Closing her eyes, a wavering feeling crawled up in her stomach. She wanted to forget what Roshan did. She wanted to pretend he was okay, that he was in rehab instead of the cold ground. She hated his friends, they were the cause of it all. Especially Connor. They introduced him to it. Feeling bitter at the thought, Farya felt a nudge to the side.

Glancing over her shoulder, she stared at a worried looking Guliez. Her friends eyebrows furrowed, a questioning look on her face.

Shaking her head, Farya gave Guliez a reassuring smile trying to pretend everything was fine. Like always, smile even if your crying inside.

" That's all for this week. Next week I want your samples and bring some pictures from your visits" Professor Rachid voice snapped Farya out of her thoughts. The sound of bags zipping and excited chatter greeted the lecture room. Making her groan and stand up as well.

" I'm so tired. I need a fucking drink" Deniz spoke beside her, making Farya smile despite herself. Looking to the side she felt her eyes land on the man seeing him put his leather jacket before brushing his golden brown hair.

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