Chapter 6

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“This way.”

This was Anders, Jade and Fenris’s last attempt to find Tifea, only known by Fenris. This would be the seventh day that Tifea was stuck in Danarius’s imprisonment, and if they didn’t get her back by tonight…

“I’m sure the both of you will find this to be… truly helpful.”

The Magister stopped when they reached a wall in the inner parts of his castle. The three could only be confused.

“Um… a wall?”

Danarius smiled.

“Ever since the most unfortunate event of my most prized… Investment… becoming misplaced, I’ve kept some of my more particular holdings,” As Danarius spoke he touch the wall in a certain pattern, which in turn, revealed a door. “A secret, so that there wouldn’t be any more assisted attempts of escape. Come, my surprise is down here.”

Anders went first with Jade, holding Fenris, hesitant to follow. The further down the steps they went the more potent the smell of blood and decay was to the three. Once they finally reached the bottom Fenris tried to get out of Jade’s arms. She let him fall, thinking that he knew what he was doing. Fenris only took a step deeper into the dungeon, and noticed Tifea’s backpack. He then took a few more and saw her.

Tifea was lying on her side on the cold concrete floor. She was surrounded by pools of blood that the three could only presume were hers. Her hair was all over her face, her cloths were also stained with blood, and she looked like something had been scratching at her, all over her body.

Only Fenris could tell that her breathing was shallow and much slower than it should be. He could also see that she had tear marks on her face…He had to get her out of here soon.

“So… what’s the surprise?” Asked Jade since, Anders, this time, was still speechless from seeing Tifea in such a horrible condition.

“I’m going to teach the both of you how to perform the Blood Ritual.”

Immediately when Fenris heard this he glared at Danarius and growled a bit.

“The Blood Ritual is what gives Tevinter mages their power; with this the both of you could be nearly unstoppable.” He then looked to Anders and Jade with a grin, “Just think, one to three mage’s powers are triple for five years, at the cost of the life of just one of their slaves.” He then looked back at Tifea with his sinister smile, “Or in this case, the life of a captive.”

Fenris growled louder…

“What’s wrong with your cat?”

Anders looked down then spoke.

“I’m not sure how I’m going to play this.”


“Dispel magic!” yells Jade, and Fenris is transformed back to his original self.

While Anders freezes Danarius and Jade finds Tifea’s equipment and stuffs it in her backpack then goes to fight the Magister. While Fenris rushes to Tifea and breaks each of her chains. But before he could finish he turned to see that Anders and Jade need help in their battle.  He then charges at Danarius in an attempt to assist them.


Danarius cast a spell knocking everyone back, making Anders and Jade hit the side walls, and Fenris falls to the floor. Danarius then summoned enough energy to cast another spell, which called upon vines from the ground, to bind Jade and Anders to the walls.

Fenris quickly got to his feet, ready to slash Danarius into pieces. But the mage then reached into a pouch on his side and pulled out a handful of dust and threw it at Fenris. The elf stopped in his tracks and looked to Danarius with an empty stare, only to wait for orders.

Book IV: DA II ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now