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10th December 2016

I woke up, head laden with pressure by a kid with blue hair. I knew he had things to do today, aka the charity live stream. I wasn't sure who I'd watch, him or my brother. I said knowing that there was no real reason for me to stay. Honestly, I could have been getting home earlier because Hannah Jenny one to do a couple of things I wanted to sleep in my actual bed for a while. That seemed like a fair judgement call for me, as I pretty much did nothing but sleep and eat and record videos and edit videos. And when I put it that way I really did not have a life.

I slid through my apartment door to see Jenny and Aaron again( he never seemed to leave the apartment apparently) on the couch. They were both asleep which was nice considering I didn't want to talk to them right now. They could be pretty judgemental, even if they were my friends. I gave a tiny smoke and went to my room throwing my bag down from last night at Ethan's place and getting my laptop from its charger on the desk. I press the power button and start back, waiting for it to turn on. I watched the HP logo flash onscreen from a money, my eyes fixating on the glare it left in the dark room. Block out curtains were the greatest thing in the universe.

I need up watching Ethan's stream, knowing I'd enjoy it more,  considering I got enough of my brother as it was. Ethan was always around too, but I had never lived with him, so in some reasoning, I could deal with him more, though. He was growing on me, sadly. The twitch live stream was, luckily, only just starting. I was rather good at timing things, it seemed.

He was just reading through chat, well trying to. I could see the chat as well and knew that with Ethan's abilities, along with the speed of chat (despite it being in slow mode) he wouldn't have managed. I started texting him a few of the comments I read fast enough so he could answer them. He laughed and held up his phone to the camera to show them my texts. I'd never seen my nickname on his phone until now, and I wasn't sure how to feel about Possible Murderer as a respected allocation of who I was. I quickly let him know about this.

He laughed, "Kiara doesn't like being called a possible murderer." He looked back down. "I'll change it to actual murderer instead."

I smiled at him through the screen, taking notice how he never seemed to know where his camera was.

Jenny came in, now apparently woken up. She asked when I got home, which I answered for her. She followed, asking if I had had breakfast. I had. I smiled and thanked her anyway, knowing she was probably going to make me something. She just liked to make food, not in a way where I didn't, just where she liked it more. I cooked sometimes. I made lunch whenever we ate here. She looked over at my laptop and smirked.

"What are you doing?"

"Watching a charity live stream. Feel free to join me if you want."

"No, I'm good. I'll donate if you send me the link, though."

I nodded and unlocked my phone, pulling up the donation link and sharing it with Jenny, who had now left my room without shutting the door. I sighed, getting up and shutting it myself, letting the darkness reabsorb the room. I fell onto my unmade bed again and watched Ethan as he played a game. I wasn't listening enough to know which game, but whatever. He should feel happy that I was even watching.

I sighed, honestly hungry and tired and wanting a coffee. I hadn't had one yet and it was starting to become apparent. I got up, grabbing my laptop and opened the door. Jenny and Aaron had left by now and I was home alone again. I placed my laptop on the counter, taking notice of the scratching sound it made and went to grind the coffee beans.

I could just hear Ethan's voice over the coffee machine as it blasted its bubbling sounds. His shrill hyena laugh and the way his voice always seemed to dance just after. I spent too long picking out those moments for it to seem normal. For it so seem like just something I picked up on. I knew it was hardly that, but with who Ethan was, I wanted it to be a normal thing. After I noticed that I picked up on those things, I started purposely doing it with other people. With Mark and Tyler and Amy. It made me a magically more observant person.

My phone went off and I pulled it out of my pocket. "I'll ask Kiara if she wants to play."

- Ethan Nestor

Fucking whatever.
- Kiara Fischbach

He chuckled. Just like he did every time he talked to me. Was it a broken concept to be able to see him react to my texts?

The code is
- Ethan Nestor

- Ethan Nestor

I let out another long sigh before opening up chrome on my phone and typing in jackbox.tv. I typed in his four-letter code and typed in a short username, Kikikillmyself. I pressed enter and heard Ethan laugh just a few seconds out of time.

"That's fucking amazing, Ki." I wanted to destroy him. Straight up destroy him, because he still had not managed to figure out to stop calling me that. I just sighed and turned up the volume on my computer so I could play and make food at the same time.

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