Safe in Our Own Worlds

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"It wasn't possible.." I keep saying in my sleep. I see myself in the sewers, being able to see through the walls. I watch the insides of the lair as if a movie and try to piece together the hints I saw. In the scene, I investigate the cracks, the arrows, and even the blood from afar, yet I can't help but repeat the words "it just couldn't happen.." I play through the scene what seemed like the millionth time, changing details in attempt to increase plausibility. Which cracks were formed by who.. when exactly did he go.. I rewind and rewind and rewind. I imagine the squeaks of the rat, Twitch initial panic, and the two bleeding out together as they chased each other. Squeaks and cackles and screams.. I couldn't take it anymore. I turn away from the scene of the crime and start marching towards the surface.

"It.. probably died as it ran away.." I told myself. "Still came from Twitch. I need a real dream.." As I march onward, I see a bright light in the distance, with its warm glow flowing inside me. It feels like home as I sigh the fresh air that was so rare in the sewers. I run towards it, excited to see what will be behind it, but as I went through the hole, everything seemed small. I look up, and I see its source. A lamp above a massive lab table that towers above me. This isn't what I wanted. This isn't the homely nature I seek. I turn back, but the hole behind me wasn't there anymore. All that was left is a concrete wall where no one can hear your screams or your cries.

There the footsteps follow. I shook and shiver at the floors rumble. I look around to find a hiding spot, but I realize there weren't any. They already took them out long ago just in case something like this happened. I quickly run to the corners and feel the wall for cracks. Please open up. Please take me out!

Step. Step. Step. I couldn't take it anymore. I rub for everything, but it was all smooth. The door creaks open. The shadow emerges from the door and sees me. "Time to test for stability," he says apathetically. He quickly turns his head to me with his red eyes. He walks over to me, his footsteps making me jump as they get louder and louder. I try to run, but my small legs couldn't get me out.

"There you are.." he said as he comes closer and closer. I couldn't go anywhere. I begin to cry out. Cry loudly for someone. Anyone. I begin to curl up in a defensive ball. "Help please!" I sob. "Help Please!"

"Don't worry.." he begin to mutter. His tone changed this time. "I'm here to help you.."

I look up in reaction. I see a hunched body with large ears. The shadow of a hand came for me before I could even mutter out his name.

 The shadow of a hand came for me before I could even mutter out his name

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I jolt up. I look around and hear the familiar creaking of the green lantern above the cauldron. The liquid is still inside except colder. "Twitch?" I ask before looking at the other bed to see he isn't there. "TWITCH!?" I ask loudly. I stand up and run outside of the lair to find him. I simply headed straight and call his name with my voice echoing in the tunnels, bringing my plea. "Twitch you th-" I stop as I begin to feel something beneath my foot. It's hard like bone with dirty coarse fur.. I look down and see a shadow of Twitch sprawling on the floor with his arms and legs all spread out, now awake from his slumber. He just looks up at me. "Ow.. Goopy One that hurt.." Twitch grumble, too tired to be angry.

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