Patton x reader

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So CompletlyUnfinished requested for me to do a Patton x reader! And I thought this would be even cuter if I made it a soulmate thing because how adorable would soulmate Patton be, I mean COME ON!!!!!


Y/N's p.o.v

I opened my eyes to see a glimmering disamond bracelet reflecting the sun light on my small bedside table causing the whole room to be filled with rainbow reflections.

I jumped out of the soft comfortable bed with delight. Today was it! It is said that when the time comes a diamond bracelet will be delivered to you and the minute you put it on it never comes off. It glows bright whenever you are near your soulmate! I can't believe I have finally met the one!

I put the bracelet on, put on a pair of plaid blue pajama pants and a red Sweatshirt. I threw my hair into a style that took no to little effort and put on some sneakers. I decided I would go visit my friend Thomas and tell him what happened. I wondered if it would be him, I mean we've been spending so much time together I wouldn't be completely surprised.

I walked down the hallway to his apartment room and knocked on the door. Thomas answered it with a smile and I looked down at his wrist. No bracelet. "Hey Y/N!" He said in his normally cheerful mode. Wow Patton must be doing a lot of work today.

"Hey Thomas!" I greeted the taller male. He pulled me into a slight embrace. He opened the door a bit more to let me in. I saw Roman sitting on the couch. I sat down next to him.

"Why hello miss Y/N a pleasure to see you on this fine day." Roman greeted in his overdramatic tone. I giggled a little. He was watching a Disney movie. After a small bit of time a song came on and he started to sing along. For some reason the song kind of reminded me of Patton. Patton had to be my favorite side. He was always cheerful and always knew when to look on the bright side of things. He was also cautious and funny. I found his personality to be quite adorable and quite frankly, I would absolutely adored if he was my soulmate. If I'm being completely honest I may or may not have a small crush on Patton. But I mean who wouldn't. He is the sweetest guy who can be an adult but still has an inner child. He is not just one thing he is multiple and I kinda love him.

Out of nowhere Anxiety appeared. "Do you ever shut your mouth?" Virgil asked Roman, obviously annoyed. "Oh great it's Mr. Hot topic here to ruin the fun." Roman retorted as he rolled his eyes. "Awww you think I'm hot." Virgil said sarcastically but also smirking. "But seriously I can hear you from my room in the mindpalace. Please shut up." Virgil said glaring swords at Roman.

Then Patton popped into the situation. "Why are you being such a-" he stopped when he saw glowing from both his wrist and my wrist. Thomas, Virgil, and Roman stared for a few seconds. My face flushed a dark red.

"This is too bright for my soul." Vigil said covering his face with his hood. Roman giggled.

"I'm really happy that you're the one Patton." I admitted trying to hide my blush as I walked over to Patton.

" So am I Y/N. I've really liked you for a while now and I just get a lot happier everytime you're here. You're better than all of the puppies and kittens in this world!" Patton. Said with his normal enthusiasm. I removed my hands from my face and kissed him on the cheek. He cupped the side of my face in his hand and we both slowly moved in until we kissed. Roman and Thomas started clapping. We pulled away because y'know, humans need to breathe yada yada yada.

"I love you Patton." I said while embracing him and burying my head in his chest.

"I love you too Y/N." He said while wrapping his arms around my mid section.

For the rest of the day Patton and I laid on the couch cuddling and watching puppy videos on my phone. At one point I made cookies for the two of us and we went back to the comfort of the couch to eat them.

Overall today was exciting to say the least. I'm overwhelmed with joy that Patton is my soulmateand I can finally call him mine. I truly love him.


Wow okay I'm so sorry that was short but I'm super tired. It's 11:30pm where I am and I need sleep. I'm also super sick and e chapters in one day is a lot for me. Well I hope you enjoyed that cute little story and I will see y'all in the next chapter!!


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