Me, Jim, and all my friends and family and pets and people that lived there and people that maybe didn't live there and sometimes lived there and went on vacation there lived in the city called The Big Apple City. The Big Apple City, or as some of the peopel who lived there liked to call it loveingly and with good intentions within their heart as they said it Big Ap City, was right in the very good and approximite middle of the United State of American. Me and my friend, my friend Jogn, were walking along the road from the Summer Bar when we decidedly decided to talk about The Big Ap City and the people who inhibited it.
"So, my friend John, you are a good fan of this Big Ap City. You have been living here for your entire life of twenty three."
John rotated his head and turned it to the sky and then downwards to say to me what I took as "yes".
"And what do you think of all the new people arriveing in Big Ap City and their intentions?" I posed the question in the way as to which it would not give way to my actual meaning. John looked confounded, but responded primptly:
"I think maybe they are not meaning any harm but maybe what they do is not very nice?"
I nodded as we arrived at our destination of The Big Ap Mall. It was a large location in the sense that it took up a lot of space as well as being the location in which a lot of people met up throughout Big Ap City. Me and my friend John entered it through the entrance an immediately i proclaimed to John that I was extremely hungry.
"I am extremely hungry." I combustibly stated.
John's eyes and mouth and hair and face generally turned towards my saying mouth.
"Yes I agree I also would like to eat also."
We proceeded throughout the Big Ap Mall towards the room in which the foods were located, and sat down towards the food fast shop.
"I will order 1 burger. You?"
"I shall order 1 Burger."
We agreed, and ordered. Me and John as sat there related each other the expereiences we were hoping to accomplish through the summer time.
"I want to establish the connection between me and a female woman." John said. Yet again, my international emotions felt extremely readable at that. My face intorted and I made the move off the roof towards another subject.
"So how much do you think this burger will cost?" I asked him, John.
"I do not know. Maybe we should ask how much this burgers will cost?" John asked me, Jim.
I agreed promptly, and we proceeded to ask.
"Hello, I am the waiter at the Big Ap Mall." subpoenaed the waiter of the Big Ap Mall.
"Hello, Big Ap Mall Waiter. I would like to request to know how many money our burgers have cost?" I inquested.
"Your price is placed onto this paper as numbers representing an amount." the waiter inponded.
"Thank you," I said, taking the paper.
The price was extremely high for a two borbers. I slammed the piece of paper proclaiming their prices into the well-arranged and nice-made table and trembled into the face of the Big Ap Waiter.
"This prices is way too much!" I triggered.
The waiter recoiled into the shape of a similar snake slithering into the grass and has a face of a big lion.
"I'm very sorry, but these are out prices."
"Denied!" I scrambled, feeling my face deform into the shape of angriness. "We will leave this place right now!"
My feet began to leave and I looked at John, my friend John, following me.
"Can you believe these outrageous and completely incorrect pricings?!" I insinuated.
John stabbed the air with words: "No. They are very stupid and big fat dumb."
Hello friends and dear fans this is the author speaking from the location in which I live! I'm sorry about the logn time it took for this part of the story to get publsihed, and deeply apologize from the heart of my central heart.
Thank you.
- L.