Levi x Reader (last chapter)

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There might be some missing stuff cause i didn't check :^:, sorry if it's the last chapter I'm really lazy XD
Okay ENJOY!.

as Levi gets close to you, you immediately push him away "L-LEVI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" you say to him blushing like heck "what do you mean (F/N) aren't we suppose to---" you disturbed him by putting your index in between his mouth (I'm confused what?) "what do you mean, you were my fiance only once, ONCE!" "pwat dwo yu mwen?" he asks "well....." you try to explain to him but its hard for  you to say 'that we were just pretending and all this fiance and butler thing is a charade' but that's not what's happening right now, right now is different he's acting like my fiance but....he's just acting....so why are you so bothered about that (F/N)!!...'i-i'm bothered cause...CAUSE H-HE'S OLDER THAN ME AND I'M YOUNGER THAN HIM THAT'S WHY OK! THAT'S WHY!' "because i-i'm younger than you and k-k---" "kissing isn't your thing right now..?" you were shocked about what he said and you just nodded (yeah the reason is weird i just dont know) he sighed and speaked "fine..." he stood up and left the room 'i think i made him mad but why...?' you thought  you didn't want to push too much so you didn't let it bother you much.

you wake up and a maid greeted you "good morning lady (F/N)" you were shocked 'were's Levi...?' you thought "w-were's--" "Levi-san is in his room resting my lady, is there something wrong? if you don't mind me asking..." "no no everything is fine thankyou you can leave now "yes, lady (F/N)" you nodded and she left the room and you were alone. When you were about to stand up the door open you look to the door and you see.

It was your mom "MOM..!" you were shocked that she was there because she never goes to you if there's something urgent "(F/N)....." "what are you...doing here...??" as you asked her she walked towards you she touched your cheek and says " Dear...." as she says gently you listening to her words "dear....i'm sorry but" your (E/C) eyes widened "w-what's wrong....mom?" "(F/N) dear i'm firing Levi..." you were shocked and scared to what she just said "what do you mean why?" "well....i just knew today that he wasn't your ACTUAL butler... i was scared that he would be a bother to your lessons" "but he isn't" she continues to speak not caring about what you said "i already found you a new one" "w-what why there isn't any reason for you to replace Levi" "i already told you Levi isn't a butler!" "What do you mean..?, dad said he's an actual butler, so dad is..........lying....?!" "Maybe so" "what do you mean by maybe!...MOM!?!" She didn't answer you any further she just walked away. 'I don't understand this is going all too fast that day he was my fiancé and then my butler!? Now he's fired!??...' As you keep thinking when you mix it all together it all came crashing down again and you end up confused in what is going on. You almost jumped when you heard someone knocked "c-come in.." The person that knocked opened the door "L-Levi...." You said shocked and sad you almost break into tears. Even if the days you were with him wasn't that long you felt something different than just master and servant. "(F/N)....." He says with a shaky voice "is something wrong Levi..." Even though You already knew the answer to that 'everything is not okay because you know that Levi also had the same feeling you had with each other' you felt a something hot dropped from your eyes you noticed that you were already crying. Levi was shocked but he just shook it off you can see through him that he's worried about you but he was scared of touching since the deal is off and you no longer know him as your butler. You thought that right now he would have already hugged you and hushed you.

Levi Ackerman's POV

I saw it she was shaking. I was confused at first but i realized it too late. Before i could tell her, everything was already late i left the mansion and i didn't told (F/N) how i felt for her.
I loved her.

Butler Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now