disney and sleep

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*romans pov*
we were sat on the sofa watching Disney movies. patton and logan had already gone to bed, well more like logan carried patton to his room after he fell asleep, so it was just me and virgil. He was growing more and more drowsy with every second we sat there, he leaned against me as he started to fall asleep. I took this opportunity, knowing he would be too tired to hide his feelings, and placed my arm around him gently

he nuzzled into me as I did so, moving closer until he was virtually on my lap. I took a little incentive and pulled him onto my lap, burying my face in his hair. I know it sounds creepy but It smelled amazing, like a mix of all the best smells in the world. Chocolate, berries, apples, cinnamon. It was just like virgil, a little mix of everything good about the world.

He cuddled right up to me, it was at this point that I realised something. He was already asleep, he just seemed to move around a lot. I smiled a little, taking in his facial fetures that I wouldn’t be able to see from any other distance. Speaking of distance, there was barely any between us, we were just centimetres from each other’s faces. I didn’t notice this until virgil started stiring.

He opened one of his eyes and sleepily whispered “ro?” I blushed. He used this name more often now, or so I was told, but never in front of me. I responded. “yes virgy its me. are you ok princess?” now it was his turn to blush, not like I could see much of his face though anyway. Our eyes were fixed on each other, like they were in a tight embrace and refused to let go. My breath ghosted over his lips, until he closed the gap. I was so stunned at first that I pulled away. I looked back into his eyes and saw pain, but it wasn’t hurt pain. It was more worry, fear…. Anxiety…

“oh god i-im sorry i-I wasn’t thinking. I s-should just.” Tears started to run down his cheeks and he started getting up. I stopped him by pulling him closer and silenced his sobs with another kiss. It wasn’t too long, only about five seconds, but we both melted into it and never wanted to let go. After we pulled away I placed my forehead on his and once again stared into his eyes. “you have no idea how long I have wanted to do that for” I whispered. All I heard was “same here” before a long pause. Then, just as I was thinking it, virgil read my mind. “I love you princey”
“I love you too hot topic”

From then on, Disney movies and no sleep were a great combination.

Hey! Hope you like this short story and their will be plenty more where that came from. If you want an actual story then check out my Starbucks au black coffee.
I'll see ya beautiful weirdos around
From ya non-binary pal

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