Hogwarts au (cus im like super obsessed with harry potter atm)

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*Romans POV*

who would have guessed it. a Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and two Hufflepuffs. all completely inseparable and, though they can annoy each other sometimes, the very best of friends.

whats even crazier, however, is that this Gryffindor may be crushing real hard on the Slytherin.


i was jolted back to my senses after hearing Virgil basically scream in my ear, others looked round at the noise. He's lucky he didn't draw the attention of a teacher. we were out in the courtyard. it was really the only place we could hang out together, other then the library. but, even though Logan thinks it would be important to stay in there and read all lunch time, we can't really talk in there so we're here.

i mean we had our own 'friends' in our own houses. Virgil had a guy named Dee, but he was your classic Slytherin and wanted nothing to do with Virgil other than to convince him to 'leave the filthy Mudbloods alone'. Logan hung out with a girl called Alice sometimes but none of us really mined too much when he was gone. (apart from Patton.) Thomas and Patton had each other and there's a kid in 5th year in Gryffindor called charlie but they can be a bit emotionally draining.


I was rudely brought completely back to my senses once again by Virgil, who splashed some water in my face.

"V-V-VIRGIL," i spluttered "WHY?!"

"because, you weren't listening to us. Patton suggested that we all go to hogsmede together again this weekend. i know we said that we were going to save valentines for dates, if we got them, but seeing as none of us have, we may as well all go together."

my face we fiery red. the thing is, my habit of zoning out during conversations is because of Virgil. i liked him a lot, and by that i mean i was crushing on him real hard. i looked him in the eye as one thought went through my head. 'i need to ask you today.' i cleared my throat. "well i could get a date before then, couldn't i? i mean i know its Friday but still what if some desperate guy comes up to me and asks me? i can't just turn him down, it wouldn't be the princely thing to do."

Virgil looked at me with questioning eyes. "OK then Mr. Prince, you have until curfew today to get a date. if not then we will just have to all go together wont we?"

"its a deal Mr. Black" i said with a smirk.

but inside i was screaming.

i paced the common room, my mind racing. "ugh GOD! Char help me out here, how in the name of the lord do i tell him? he actually has no idea and i can't just spring the question on him. hes so nervous all the time, it would send him into overdrive." my mind made excuses that even i considered to be ridiculous. charlie sat and sighed as they flopped onto the read beanbag. their cloak fluttering out all around them, like professor longbottom, they seemed to be more of a hufflepuff then anything, yet their nervousness around people and their willingness to try made the sorting had place them in gryffindor. they spoke calmly and clearly, they were used to my rants about asking Virgil out by now. "roman just say it. wait until you think the moments right and tell him. trust me slytherins aren't that hard to please when you get down to it. they just want what they want, so if he wants you then how hes asked wont matter to him."

"fine. i guess you're right."

i was stood at the edge of the forbidden forest, learning care of magical creatures. we had our lesson with the slytherins. our professor, professor Fallgreen seemed to be very keen on the teaching methods of a previous professor, hagrid. he believed that the only way we could get to know the animals is by dealing with them hands on, and there was no clear indication that there was much health and safety when hagrid taught. "OK so this here students is what we call a hippogriff, half horse, half eagle. they are quite fickle creatures so just make sure that you don't insult him now. i'd like the lot of you to team up in pairs, that way we can get through them a lot quicker. first pair that i pick will even get to ride him for a short while."

i  immediately started looking for charlie, knowing how much they loved animals and how hard they found group or even paired tasks, often left on their own and paired up with someone they don't know. however it seemed that care of magical creatures was a very comfortable lesson for them. they had already paired up with an equally eager slytherin girl, they were stood marvelling at the hippogriff. i looked around for someone but everyone seemed to be pairing up right before my eyes, the only person left was Virgil. i walked over to him nervously then it hit me, if i could get  professor Fallgreen to pick us to ride the hippogriff then that would give me the perfect opportunity to ask him. i picked up the pace and grabbed his arm, suddenly a lot more eager.i fixed my eyes to professors and practically beamed.  

"Mr prince and Mr black. you two seem like you would like to say hello to him, why don't you come on up here?" i basically pulled Virgil up along with me, though he seemed reluctant to. i knew this was my only chance at the perfect moment. i gracefully bowed to the hippogriff as Virgil almost fell over his own feet beside me. we waited a few very tense seconds where Virgil even grabbed my hand and squeezed it for a while, then the hippogriff lowered its front legs as it bowed back. me and Virgil slowly walked up to it together, still holding hands, and petted the soft, smooth feathers on its head and neck and marvelled as they almost seamlessly turned into sleek, silky hair

professor Fallgreen gave us the signal to climb onto his back. i had already had some experience with riding flying creatures, being brought up a half-blood, Virgil however, whilst he was a pure-blood wizard, he never did much of anything and so seemed unsure of what to do after i had jumped onto the hippogriff. i held out my hand and he took it. i carefully lifted him up, slinking one of my arms around his waist, and placed him in front of me, still holding onto him tightly. "hold onto him, carefully but tightly." i whispered into his ear. i could have sworn i saw his cheeks start to change colour as he grabbed onto the feathers. i gave the hippogriff a swift but gentle kick and it spread its wings and took off. we started to fly all around Hogwarts, being marvelled at by our peers inside the building. as we started to reach a slightly more secluded area, nearing the back of the castle i spoke, having to shout slightly from the wind. "Virgil, this lesson is probably one of my last chances to get a date for valentines right?"

"yeah, why, still haven't got one yet?" he said in a slightly mocking tone. i just giggled "no i haven't, but i'm hoping to get one in about 30 seconds" he looked confused "how could you get a date all the way up here, there's literally no one to ask and i doubt we will land in 30 seconds." i laughed this time, a proper amused, sincerely happy laugh. "there is one person up here that i have always wanted to date since i met him."

"whats his name?" his face was bright red now, he knew what i was about to say, i knew it. 

"Virgil Black"

we left that lesson happier then ever, charlie came up to me at the end, full of questions about what its like to actually ride a hippogriff, i could only reply with one thing...

"it provides the perfect moment for a slytherin."


so this was a fun story to write and there are quite a few cameos, some more subtle then others. professor fallgreen is a cameo of a character from my upcoming book, Alice is a fellow harry potter nerd that i know and well, i guess you could say that charlie gave the two of them a happy ending, maybe they will write about it someday.

merry belated Christmas and a very happy new year

from ya non-binary pal


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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