Chapter 5: were doomed

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Regina's POV
Mother gives me a nasty look. "You all are evil and ruthless don't let these people make you think any different" says Maleficent. "Maybe we don't want to be mother" Mal says. My eyes go wide oh she's so going to get it when we get home. "You want to be good, hah nonsense" says Wendy. "Being evil isn't all life has to offer mum" I look at Zelena and nod. "Regina I can't believe this is coming from you girls, don't you like seeing innocent people suffer" she asks. "No I don't it's not right" I say. "Regina watch your tone, or let me wait till I can get my hands on you" I click to off button ending the call. "Ladies I'm so sorry" says Snow. "No it's fine" I say sadly. I walk back to my seat and get my back. "Regina are you okay" I shake my head and she wipes my face. I didn't even know I was crying. She grabs my hand carefully making sure no one notices. "I'm fine" I walk away and I know she's hit because she just wants to help. "Gina what do you think our parents are going to do to us if we don't pull this off" she asks. "I think they will be disappointed but proud that we did our best" I say. "You think so" asks Cru. "No we are definitely goners or dead or worse" I say.


Emma's POV
My mother and father are right next to me to take a picture so I guess I will tell them now I have a new girlfriend. Even though I haven't asked Regina yet I know she will say yes. "Oh and by the way I have a new girlfriend" I say. "Oh I didn't want to say anything but that Aurora was a little conceited" my mom says. "Do we know the lucky girl" my dad asks. "Uh...sort of" I say. "On the count of three" the photographer says. "Regina" I say. She waves and walks over here. I smile at the camera and my parents have shocked looks. I walk towards her and peck her lips. "Emma" she says giving me wide eyes. "This is Regina my girlfriend" I say smiling. I hold her hand and I look at Regina who gives me a look. "Girlfriend" she asks. I grab both her hands "when I said that I'm in love with you I meant it with every fiber of my being with everything I am I'm in love with you" I smile with tears. She wipes the stray one that fell. "You are" I ask. She nods and pecks my lips again. "How about a game of golf" my dad asks. "Yeah sure" Snow gives Regina a smile. "Have you ever played golf" I ask wrapping my arm around her shoulder. "Nope" she giggles.

Regina's POV
"Hello there" I turn around to see a nice lady in baby pink. "Hi and I love the color your wearing" she smiles. "Grams" I look at Aurora as she walks over here. "Grams" I ask. "As in sleeping beauty's mother" she says. "I don't think you want to talk to her" I look at her offended. "No I'm not like that" I say. "How are you here" she asks. "Queen Alia it's okay the Evil Queen is still on the island this is her daughter Regina...didn't you hear I'm giving the new generation a chance" Emma says standing behind me and wrapping her arm around my waist. "A chance to what, destroy us" Queen Alia asks. "No I'm nothing like my mother, I want to do good not evil" I say. "Don't you remember what they did to us" she asks looking at Snow. "That's what their parents did not their children" Snow defends making me smile. At least someone is on our side. "I missed my daughter first everything because of her mother's curse" she says pointing to Mel. She looks down sadly and I see Cru grab her hand comfortingly. "I'm so sorry" I say. "Don't come near her" emma steps forward getting in Adam. Adam is Ashley's son; Cinderella. "They were raised by their parents, Emma. What do you think villain teach their kids, kindness. No! She's a minter just like her mother" I try to keep my head high but I know they can see the tears forming in my eyes. "Adam shut the hell up" Emma says. "Or what, you'll have your girlfriend rip out my heart" he says. Emma throws her arm punching him square in the face. I step back and he holds his and then punches Emma. Emma gets two more punches in before I grab her arm. "Em stop it's not worth it" I say pulling her away.

Snow's POV
I watch as Zelena, Mal, Cruella, Regina and Emma walk away from the chaos. "We're gonna go to our rooms" says Zelena, Cruella and Mal. Regina touches Emma's face and Emma flinches away. "I'm so sorry" she says. She waves her hand over her cheek and the mark goes away. "No no it's not your fault" she says grabbing Regina's hand. "This was a bad idea, we were a bad idea. We were never going to work out. I'm evil and that's all everyone will see me as. No matter how hard I try I'm just my mother's daughter. I'm sorry." She says.

Regina's POV
"Don't do this, please don't do this" she begs leaning her forehead on mine. I let some tears fall and Emma wipes them away. "I just need a minute" I say. She nods and I go to walk away but she grabs my wrist kissing me. I smile sadly and kiss her back. I wish I wasn't the evil queens daughter. I wish I wasn't born into this life. Why did I have to be evil. Why can't I just stand up to my mom and tell her what I want to be. Who I want to be!

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