Chapter 6: coronation day!

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Regina's POV
I sit down and play with my food. I'm not even hungry they ruined my whole day. I just want to be excepted. I feel hands on my arms and I know they are Emma's. I look up and she pecks my lips. "Are you okay" she asks. "As good as I can be" I say. She kisses my head and walks away. "Let's go we have a day to ruin tomorrow" I say.

I get dressed in a red long dress and it's tight showing off my slim figure and I know Emma is going to love it. There's a knock on the door and I get up opening it. It's Emma, she's in a red ad black suit. "I knew you would wear red" I blush. "Spin" she says. I spin around and she wraps her arms around my waist resting her hands about my butt. She leans down and kisses me. I kiss her back and she slides her tongue in and I whimper at the contact. We part for air and I bite my lip. "Why are you so beautiful" she asks. "Mhm I don't know" she smiles and I blush. "You ready" I nod. We are in the carriage that's going super slow. Emma grabs my hand "will you wear my ring" she asks. "It's probably just going to come off" I say. We pull up and Emma helps me out. People stare and Emma holds my hand as we walk up the stairs. I bow to Snow and Prince Charming. "I'm really sorry about the other day" I say. "No it's fine I knew this was going to be hard but I'm glad she did this because she found love" I smile at Emma's father. His kind words mean a lot to me. "It's true" Emma says. "I'm so proud of you Emma keep listening to you heart" she says grabbing her hands. "I will mom, I listened to my heart and it led me right to you, so I got something right" i blush and Emma grabs my hand pulling me towards her and kissing my cheek. "You'll do great" I say smiling. "Thank you" someone clears their thirst and the man puts his hand out. She quickly pecks my lips leaving me smiling as I go find my place.

I watch as Emma walks in and everyone smiles and bows at her. She's so cute. She looks at me and smiles widely as she walks down the alley to the middle. "The wand" Zelena whispers. "That's what opens the barrier" Mal says. "Regina it's now of never" Cruella says rubbing my arm. I take a deep breath. Emma will hate me after this. I watch as Snow takes he crown and places it on her head. My baby! I don't want to do this. I grab the wand out of the fairy godmothers hand. It sparks and magic is flying everywhere. "The barrier" someone screams. No no! I didn't want to do this. Emma steps in front of me "Regina give me the wand" she says calmly. "Step back" I say. "You really want to do this" she asks. "We have no choice Emma our parents" I say sadly. "Your parents made their choice now you make yours" she says. I look over at Snow and Charming. "I think I want to be good" I say. He smiles. "You are good."

"How do you know that" I yell. "Because I'm listening to my heart" she says. I look down "I want to listen to my heart too" Emma nods. "And my heart is telling me we aren't our parents" I say turning to my friends behind me. "Mal stealing doesn't make you happy cheer and victory pizza with the team makes you happy, and drawing makes you happy Cru. And Zelena you are so smart and science makes you happy not being mean to innocent people. And I don't want to take over the world with evil it doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school, and be with Emma" I turn around and lift up my hand with Emma's right. "Because Emma makes me really happy" I cry. People aww and Emma smiles. "I choose good" I say putting my fits in the middle. Mal puts her fist with me. Then Zelena and Cruella. "We choose good too" Cru says smiling. "We don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents are going to be, because there gonna be livid" Zelena points out. "They can't reach you here" Emma says. I turn around hearing people scream and I see all our parents. Oh god! "I'm back" says my mother. "Go away mother" I say. "Give me the wand Regina" I go to give it to her but I throw it to fairy godmother. Then fairy godmother is frozen. "Mother stop this" she chokes me lifting me up into the air and people scream and gasp. "Put her down" I hear Emma yell. No no not Emma! "I can't believe my stupid daughter fell for you of all people" Emma looks like she could kill her. "Falling in love is weak and ridiculous" I feel a tear fall down my cheek. Emma pushes my mother with magic and I fall to the ground. Magic! Her hands glow white. She stands up "love is not what I want" she says. "You don't know what I want" I yell crying. "Mom have you ever asked me what I want" I cry. "I'm not you" I say. "Well isn't that obvious" she says. "Love is not weak or ridiculous it's actually really amazing" I nod. "I know that you have no room for love in your life young lady" she yells. "And now I command want to my hand" my mother fights it before it's in my hand. "Leave me and my friends alone" I yell. She vanished and fairy godmother is unfrozen. "You did it Gina" I smile and hug my friends. "I knew you could be good" Emma says. I turn around and hug her. "Thanks for never giving up on me" I say. "I'm always by your side" she says. "Forever" I ask. "Forever" she nods. I stick my pinky out and she holds mine. Everyone cheers and Emma puts her finger up. "Wait" she says. She grabs my hips "I love you" I smile. "I love you too" and I wrap my arms around her neck and bring her lips to mine.

So that's my story, we lived happily ever after...well for a little while. I loved Emma and Emma loved. My mother will continue to be evil but hopefully she will find room for love. Zelena, Cruella, and Mal want to be good and we can all be good together.

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