Chapter 9

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Dean parks in front of the school and walks inside to the office. "Hi, I'm here to see Castiel Winchester."

The secretary looks up and smiles. "Wow, you look different without your uniform on." She says. "He told me to just send you to his classroom. They're finishing up the last period before lunch."

"Thanks." Dean walks out of the office and down to Cas's classroom, knocking lightly on the door as he enters.

Cas turns to Dean and smiles. "Class, for those of you who have not met him, this is my husband, Dean Winchester."

"Hey there." Dean says.

"Just sit in my desk chair, class is over in a few minutes." Cas says.

Dean sits down and watches as Cas teaches.


The bell rings and everyone gathers their stuff and hurries out the door.

Cas slowly stands up with a grunt and turns to face Dean. "Ready to join me at lunch?"

"Yeah, I even brought the best stuff." Dean smiles.

"Please tell me it's cooked by Ellen." Cas says.

"Of course it is!" Dean laughs. "She makes the best food." He stands up and wraps an arm around Cas's waist. "Lead the way angel."


They walk into the Teacher's Lounge, and Cas leads Dean to a table where 3 women are sitting.

"Hey Castiel! Who's this?" Jenny asks.

"This is my husband, Dean. Dean, meet Jenny, Kelly, and Laura." Cas points to each woman as he says their name.

"So you're Dean." Kelly says. She whispers loudly. "He really is hot."

Cas blushes and Dean laughs.

Dean suddenly realizes how long Cas has been on his feet and pulls out a chair for him. "Sit, you shouldn't be on your feet so long."

Cas sits in the chair. "Thanks baby."

"Welcome angel." Dean says, quickly kissing Cas's cheek.

"Ahh!" all the women say simultaneously.

"You two are the perfect couple!" Laura says, smiling.

"Hey, I'm still unable to figure out how to cook something good for him." Dean says, taking out the containers of food. "My Aunt Ellen has been sending food for him."

"That's because she has the best food ever!" Cas says. "What did she send this time?"

"You got a ham sandwich, chicken noodle soup, and something special from me." Dean says, laying the food in front of Cas.

"You can only cook two things, so I'm guessing you mad pie?" Cas asks, smiling.

"I brought a whole pie and paper plates." Dean says.

"You have got to try his pie." Cas says to the women.

Dean serves out 5 slices of pie onto the plates, giving each person at the table a piece.

"Oh my god, this is delicious." Kelly moans around a bite of pie.

"How is this so good?!" Jenny exclaims.

"My mom taught me how to make pie at a young age." Dean smiles.

"You are so going to have to make this for the next pitch in." Laura says.


After lunch, Cas and Dean go back to Cas's classroom to talk before the students arrive for the next period.

"Are you feeling alright?" Dean asks, forcing Cas to sit in his chair.

"Baby, I'm fine." Cas says, failing to hide the look of pain when one of the babies kicks him in the back.

"Cas, don't lie to me." Dean frowns.

"They like to kick... a lot." Cas says, wincing as another hard kick is delivered.

"Maybe you should come home early today angel." Dean says worriedly.

"I've only got 2 more periods to get through, I'm sure I'll be fine." Cas says. He winces again when one kicks his back again.

"Well, I'm not leaving until you leave." Dean says, pulling the extra chair from the corner to sit next to Cas's.

"Dean, I'll be fine." Cas says.

"Not leaving." Dean says. "Plus, your next class period is the one I proposed to you in front of." He smiles.

"Oh no..." Cas says. "Promise me you won't go all jealous and possessive alright? No matter what happens."

"Now I'm wondering if I should be worried." Dean says, raising an eyebrow.

The bell rings and students file in quickly.

One girl stops at Cas's desk. "How are you feeling today Mr. Winchester?" she smiles sweetly.

"I'm feeling fine, thank you Helena." Cas says.

"I'm very glad to hear that." Helena says, winking and walking away. But, not before leaving a piece of paper on Cas's desk.

Cas picks up the paper and throws it in the trashcan under his desk. He stands up and tenses when he's kicked again.

Dean quickly stands and helps him to the chair by the chalkboard. "You alright angel?" he says softly.

"I'm fine Dean." Cas says.

Dean goes and sits back down.

"Alright, before we start I'd like to introduce our guest." Cas says, gesturing to Dean. "Most of you remember him, but for those of you who don't, this is my husband Dean Winchester."

"Hey, I'm not here to interfere, I'm just here because I married a very stubborn man." Dean says. "So, I'm not leaving this school until he does."

Cas rolls his eyes fondly. "Ok then, today we are learning about the story of Lucifer."

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