Chapter 2

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After the performance


I was sitting in my dressing room looking at my desk where a red rose lay with a black ribbon tied around the stem when a knock came on my door. I quickly put the rose into my desk drawer as I rushed over to open the door. Standing on the other side of the door was Raoul. He was wearing a black suit with a white under shirt. His hair lay against his shoulders as it blows softly from a breeze sweeping through the corridor.

Before I could even speak Raoul was already pushing past me into the room. He strode straight over to my desk and searched the top.

“Where is it? Y/N I know the Phantom has visited your room. And I know he has left something.” Raoul spoke through gritted teeth.

I didn't understand. Why is Raoul so sure to find the rose? “Raoul. It's in the drawer to the right.” almost as soon as I said that the drawer was thrown open and Raoul found the rose.

He scoffed as he picked the thorn covered stem of the rose. A small line of blood spilled down his hand where a thorn had stabbed him.

“Raoul what are you going to do with that rose?” I asked. He slowly turned on his heels to face me. His blue eyes met my E/C ones and locked.

I don't know how long we just stood there looking into each other's eyes before he spoke again. “I'm sorry Y/N. I just don't want the Phantom to take you to his lair like he did with Christine". (ok so I need to explain I get that. In this book I'm saying Christine never got away from the Phantom and now he is out for you. Don't judge me it's my book).

I didn't really speak only watched as Raoul walked over to a lit candle and caught the flower aflame. He watched as it burned the ribbon, all the way down to his fingers where the flames blew out.

Raoul gently put the tip of the half burnt stem onto the desk and turned back to me. “Would you be so kind as to take a walk with me outside?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

I gently nodded as he walked up to be and took my arm in his.


Raoul led me down the corridor and out to the rose gardens that were planted in front of the Opera Populaire. I found a bench and we sat together and talked. “The roses are absolutely beautiful today!” I said looking at a living red rose that was growing through the crack of the bench.

“Not nearly as beautiful as you Y/N.” he spoke. His voice filled with truth and loyalty. I looked back towards him. One moment I was admiring the roses the next my cheeks were as red as them!

Raoul was kissing me. His soft, smooth lips pressed gently across mine. After a moment I leaned into the kiss. Raoul made a growling noise at the back of his throat when I pulled away. I could feel my face almost burning.

Before I knew it Raoul was holding me in his arms. His hands wrapped around me back. I was sitting in his lap sideways looking into his blue eyes. I was going to kiss him again but as I leaned in a dark shadow loomed over us. Raouls grip on me tightened when I screamed at the top of my lungs. The shadow threw something at us and disappeared just as fast as it had appeared.

On the bench beside Raoul was a small object. It was the object the shadow had thrown. Slowly I reached over and picked it up holding it up into the sunlight.

It was a rose with a black ribbon tied around the stem.


Hey guys hope you enjoyed this Chapter!

I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY! For not updating sooner! I had the worst of writers block SO I had my friend help me out with this chapter. Go check her out she deserves it! Her name is Not a weaboo or Otaku_for_lifee!

If you have ANY questions about the story you can either put it in the comments or just message me personally!

Don't forget to go check out my other stories! I work so hard to make you guys happy!

Hope you enjoy!


Punky~Chan Out!

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