Chapter 8

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~8 months later~

~Raouls POV~

I watched in pride as Y/N was told to sit back and watch the performance. Now that she was Pregnant she was able to give advice. But no stage time until the baby.

The tension was growing day by day. Y/N's stomach was finally showing. She glowed every day. We had decided to keep the engagement a secret from everybody. We didn't want the Phantom to find out.

I sat back in my booth and continued to watch my fiancè tell the stage crew what to do.

"Stage left! Take a step to the front!......STAGE RIGHT! GET TO YOUR PLACE!" I heard Y/N shout. She was not afraid to tell everybody what to do. Or afraid to shout it.

I felt my muscles tense when I saw Y/N stand from her seat and begin walking towards the stage. Y/N had been very unsteady on her feet ever since we found out about the pregnancy. And the last thing I would want is for the love of my life and my child to fall into the orchestra pit and get hurt.

We were told to expect the baby to be coming any day now that the baby could be born early or late. Me and Y/N planned to get married next year in the spring.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion. I watched as my pregnant fiancè took her first step up the stairs. She made about 3 steps leaning forward. She must have been leaning forward to far. From where I was sitting it looking like she had triped.

I quickly stood and raced over to her. I could see her holding her stomach.

~Y/N's POV~

I stood from my seat in the audience. The person back stage had fallen asleep and was not able to change the back drop. I was going to go wake them up and have a chat with them.

I made my way up the steps carefully. Trying not to trip.

It was no use though. I felt an immense pain shoot through my stomach as I fell to my hands and knees on the stage. I clenched tightly to my stomach as more pain shot through my entire body.

I sat there for a moment trying to ease the pain. I was ripped from my attempts when two strong arms took me by the waist and hauled me to my feet.

I was surprised to find the the person who helped me was not Raoul. But for it to be a new member to the Poplaire. I did not recognize them from any of my productions. So he had to have been a few months new.

I nodded a thanks before stepping out of his grasp. I stood atop the stage looking around. All eyes were on me. I felt my face heat up. I turned in a small circle until my eyes landed on Raoul. His face was covered with worry and it looked like he was about to faint, he was so pale.

I watched as he walked up the steps and stood in front of me. My head tilted up so I was capable of looking him in the eyes.

Before I knew it his strong arms slithered around me and pull me against him. His arms cradling me protectively. I felt myself melt into his eyes as he spoke up above the whispers around us. "I am taking you to our room. The baby could be here any moment. You should be resting. Not falling over."

I felt a shiver run down my spine as I nodded. "Your right. I'm sorry I worried you" I responded.

Before I could move out of his arms to go to me and Raouls room. I felt another pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. "She isn't going anywhere that isn't with me" spoke the person behind me. There voice was deep and raspy. As if they hadn't spoke for months. Their voice helped me identify the person as a male.

I stayed frozen in place in fear of hurting the baby. "She is coming to our room" Raoul growled to the man behind me.

"And what makes you think that?"

"She is pregnant and needs to rest!"

"She can rest with me. Isn't that right darling." The man must have bent down because he whispered the last of his sentence in my ear.

"She is coming with me " Raoul growled.

"And why can't she sleep with me? Or anybody else?"

"BECAUSE SHE IS MY FIANCÈ AND IS CARRYING MY BABY! SHE WILL BE SLEEPING WITH ME! SO I CAN PROTECT HER FROM YOU!" Raoul had snapped. His arms around me were slowly starting to crush me and I was slightly afraid.

Thanks to what Raoul had said I knew who was holding me from behind. It was the Phantom. And he now knew that Raoul was the babies father. And that we were engaged.

I felt the Phantoms arms release me and rather roughly. I was shoved into Raoul's chest. Or at least closer than I was before.

Raoul stumbled at the sudden push. His arms tightened even more around me as we went crashing to the ground. Raoul had his body around me trying to protect me and the baby.

Before I knew it I had been swept into darkness. I had fallen unconscious. The last think I remembered was Raoul shouting out to me.


Hey guys! I know it's been a while! And honestly I'm not sure what to say.

Soooooo hope you all enjoyed this chapter!


Punky~Chan Out!

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