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I look around me.
And I see lots of movement.
When it comes down to you. You have to be selfish you have to only want what's best for you.
You can only look out for yourself because if given the opportunity...
People will be horrible if given the opportunity.
The worst people have ways of twisting your emotions...
twisting your words...
twisting your feelings...
twisting you until you break and it only happens when you allow them to
when given the opportunity people will be the worst people they can be
I will not give in to what they want me to be
expected me
to be desire all the same thing
I want what's best for me and what's best for me is to be me
not who you want me to be
to be my own person and be glad that
I have individuality
That you can steal from me...
Wrap me up take from me because without me;
YOU are nothing...

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