A thousand afternoons ago
You invited me to sit
On the floor beside you
Strips of bariw* leaves were
scattered on the floor.
You wanted to teach me
how to weave a mat.But the mangoes outside
were too ripe
and the grass were so warm.
So I ran outside
And never came back.Now, the bariw mat is finished
Wide and brown and warm.
I lay on it day and night
Thinking that in this mat
Maybe a part of you is woven
That I might still talk and laugh with.
How I wish I had learned
how to weave a mat
So that like you
Something that is me
will linger on
sturdier things than life.And become the mat
that a child will sleep on
Never letting me go.(Bariw is a tropical plant whose leaves are similar like the pineapple. When dried under the sun, it can be used as a material for woven handicrafts, and is known to last for many years.)
Voyages of My Mind
PoetryThis is my first poetry collection. Most of these were written way back in college. I hope you like it guys.