The Speed Contest

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By the time I opened my eyes, I saw Sumiko at the edge of the cliff looking around. Kenji ran to her and then WHOOSH!!! The Goliath Enderman got them. Sumiko and Kenji were screaming at the top of their lungs. I dashed towards the wicked creature and then BAM! The Goliath Enderman released Kenji and Sumiko. Tsuyoshi ran towards them and checked their pulse. Naomi ran up to Kenji with Tsuyoshi. I was looking all around. The Goliath Enderman was gone. I then looked at Tomohiro with Chinatsu, Misaki and Hisoka. I started shaking in fear. I couldn’t make it in time because I knew that the Goliath Enderman was going for them. I couldn’t let them end up like Kenji and Sumiko, so I had to unleash my Lightning’s Potential. I surrounded myself with lightning and started powering up quickly as possible. I was finished and was now faster than sound. I vanished in an instant towards the creature. I gripped the creature and continuously kept striking from side to side.
    I thought the battle wasn’t going to end. The Goliath Enderman has fallen. I sensed energy left and kept my guard up. The Goliath Enderman vanished and the energy was fading quicker and quicker. I guessed the creature gave up and fled away. My sides were hurting terribly and I was barely able to breathe. My chest was pounding crazy and I wasn’t quite sure whether I was able to stand or not. Tomohiro came over and out of nowhere he created a wooden looking kind of bed. I wasn’t quite sure whether I should do it or not. I then just couldn’t move and I felt my neck kind of crack or twitched. My body was somewhat in a paralysis state and Hisoka and Tomohiro had to carry me on the wooden bed. My hands were burnt like crisp and it clearly seemed that I might not be able to go on. Tsuyoshi was so shocked, the fact that we were able to take it down. I gave him a thumbs up and just lost conscious.
    I was awoken by Naomi because we were at the exit of Giant Floating Islands. I was already done for. My hands were not able to move not even an inch. Misaki came up to me and putted some water on my hand. It seemed odd of her to be doing that so I just left her with what she thinks she has to do. My hands were healing and I was quite amazed, I have to give Misaki credit for that. Misaki then puts me in a cocoon except in water and every single parts and broken bones in my body were healing. Misaki then stopped and kinda passed out. Misaki possibly passed out because she used up too much energy. Hisoka picked Misaki up and told us that we had to set camp. Hisoka told me that Misaki wasted a lot of energy on me the most and that Sumiko and Kenji had not yet fully recovered from the incident with the Goliath Enderman. I then had a flashback of what had happened. The Goliath Enderman stared at them in the eyes and it looked like they were transfixed some kind of way. All I figured out was the the Goliath Enderman must have taken a lot of energy from Sumiko and Kenji, and that was how it was able to keep up with me.
Chinatsu blew some wind to dry Sumiko, Kenji and me.
    Tomohiro made a wooden wagon, which I started laughing because he could’ve done that in the first place when we were walking. The girls were in the wagon and Hisoka and Tomohiro were waiting for when to go. I looked at the map and there was a nearby campsite pretty close from where we were at. I then got on and told them that I was ready to go. We then started pushing the wagon and I must say it was pretty fun. Naomi had asked me if I was able to go on, because she knows clearly that I haven’t fully recovered yet. I told her to relax and enjoy the ride as best she can before I wasn’t going to be able to do this kind of thing again. Naomi sat there emotionally and dozed off at the distance.
    I was simply worried about Sumiko, Misaki and Kenji, but I worried a lot about Naomi, because she was very quiet and didn’t say anything from there. We all managed to make it to the campsite.
I then noticed that Tsuyoshi was missing. I freaked out a lot and Hisoka just made it funny.
“Tsuyoshi is in the wagon, dude,” Hisoka said laughing.
I simply looked and saw the sleeping figure lying there sleeping.
I didn’t have anything to say further on. We setted up camp and the sleeping spots ready. Tomohiro just did the honors and fell asleep first. Misaki, Kenji and Sumiko were brought over to their sleeping spots. I was certainly simply surprised to see everyone sleeping. No one didn’t even mention a thing about the watcher. I didn’t mind so I left things at ease. I learned a thing or two from Tsuyoshi about the pulse check. I checked Sumiko’s pulse and she was breathing alright.
When I turned around I saw Naomi beside Kenji. Naomi was taking care of things over there with Kenji, so I went into the forest to do some intense training. I was in denial for many reasons and I just don't know how I'm feeling because I'm getting crazy feelings that are making me unsure and upset kinda because I keep asking myself am I really doing the job as leading this group.
I keep trying to hold back these feelings inside and tried concentrating on a technique I've been working on and a way to exert my aura or my energy in the presence of certain creatures as a way of intimidation and confidennce.

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