Leave for Long (a Blitz)

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"The blitz poem, a form of poetry created by Robert Keim.

This form of poetry is a stream of short phrases and images with repetition and rapid flow.

Begin with one short phrase, it can be a cliche. Begin the next line with another phrase that begins with the same word as line 1. The first 48 lines should be short, but at least two words.

The third and fourth lines are phrases that begin with the last word of the second phrase, the 5th and 6th lines begin with the last word of the 4th line, and so on, continuing, with each subsequent pair beginning with the last word of the line above them, which establishes a pattern of repetition.

Continue for 48 total lines with this pattern, and then the last two lines repeat the last word of line 48, then the last word of line 47.

The title must be only three words, with some sort of preposition or conjunction joining the first word from the third line to the first word from the 47th line, in that order.

There should be no punctuation. When reading a blitz, it is read very quickly, pausing only to breathe."

Now that that's over, here goes:


Scared to go

Scared to leave

Leave my home

Leave and be free

Free to roam

Free to fly

Fly far away

Fly somewhere

Somewhere new

Somewhere unknown

Unknown life

Unknown the people

People hopefully nice

People I'll despise

Despise the place

Despise this feeling

Feeling of dread

Feeling of change

Change may be good

Change I hate

Hate to leave

Hate and grief

Grief for loss

Grief for love

Love of friends

Love is lost

Lost my world

Lost my will

Will to live

Will to strive

Strive I will

Strive to achieve 

Achieve my goals

Achieve my dream

Dream to be

Dream to do

Do much good

Do the best

Best in my line

Best of luck

Luck decieves

Luck I need

Need the courage 

Need to go

Go from home

Go forever

Forever is long

Forever I go



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