"Harrisham Rhyme, created by the female poet, Harrisham Minhas, belonging to the State of Punjab in India, of a six-line rhyming stanza. In this form, the last alphabet of the first word of each line is the first alphabet of the first word of next line.
There is no restriction on the starting alphabet of the first line.
Rhyming scheme : ababab."
Kay then, here goes...
You either claim me or you let go
Under all this confusion I keep hanging here
Renounce my love or let it grow
Either way would be easier to bear
Right where you want me in this show
The villain you may be, yet my longing is clear.
Form Poetry
PoetryI recently tried doing form poetry and this is what I've done with it so far. I'm going to keep doing it, covering as many forms as I possibly can. And I just wanted to thank @seasofme for getting me interested in this. She's amazing, people, check...