Lost In Reality

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"Counting the days 'til I bring you back to me, eventually."


When Atlas had her first date, she was beyond nervous. It was the most nerves she'd ever felt before. She didn't want to fall or say the wrong things or make a bad impression on him. She was always one to let her nerves get the best of her and hold her back from experiencing life.

When she graduated high school she was nervous for the littlest things. One of them being that she was going to butcher her speech. As valedictorian she had to deliver a speech that would impress her fellow students and her former teachers. She had worked so hard and she didn't want to fail. She was afraid of judgement and failure, but Atlas had nothing to fear.

Even today as she sat in her bathroom of her and Tegan's shared apartment she was nervous. Her hands were shaking and her breathing was jagged, but she was nervous for all the wrong reasons. Yes her graduation was today and she was finally done with school until she decided to go back for her masters, and yes she was the first in her family to do this, but she was nervous about a boy.

A boy, who some how, crossed her mind more than she'd like, but something about him just wouldn't escape her mind. Maybe it was his looks or his personality. Maybe the way he spoke to her or the way he treated her. She couldn't forget about him. No matter how many nights she got somewhat drunk to forget about him, she just couldn't. It was like he was a tick she couldn't get rid of.

While Luke's arrival in a few short hours, she had been running around all morning making sure everything was perfect. She needed to clean the house, wash the sheets for the couch bed that Luke would more than likely be sleeping on. She had to go shopping for food because they didn't have food in their apartment. Plus Tegan's boyfriend Lannan was already here, adding stress to Atlas' already stressful life. She hadn't spoken to Luke since this morning when he boarded and she had to get to the airport soon to pick him up. With only 5 hours until her graduation she was rushing to get it all done and it seemed to be a never ending task.

As she put her earrings in and finalizing her makeup, her phone rang from across the room. Tegan and Lannan were out with her family before they had to get to campus. As Atlas ran around trying to find her phone, a knock stopped her. She groaned forgetting about her phone knowing it would go to voicemail. "Coming!" She yelled, leaving her bathroom and walking towards the front door.

As she opened the door, the person at the door had their hand raised ready to knock once more on the wooden door. "Um someone let me downstairs and I just asked where you lived." Atlas couldn't contain her smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I thought I was picking you up in like—two hours. Wha-what're you doing here?" Atlas said letting Luke walk through the door of her place. He walked through the door with his duffle bag around his shoulder. He was in a pair of black sweatpants and a white shirt with a maroon beanie on his head. His hair has gotten longer since the last time Atlas saw him, but she wasn't complaining. She liked the little curls that peaked from behind the wool clothing.

"When I texted you I was actually in Arizona. I booked an earlier flight so you didn't have to stress so much before your big day. When I landed I called a cab and asked Tegan where you lived and so here I am." He said chuckling a little at the end of the sentence.

"How was your flight? Are you hungry? We can get some food." Atlas said, taking Luke's bag from him to put it in the bedroom. While she was gone, Luke looked around the place noticing the modern furniture and the many pictures hung around the room. Many of her and Tegan but some with their families and friends. All were smiling and Atlas looked radiating in all of them. "So I know this cute little café we can go to. Them have amazing soup and-"

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