The bet.

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  David agreed on the bet and listened to what they were doing, of course, Max wasn't included so he watched them scramble around playing frisbee.David cheered his campers on as Snake pushed one of them down.Jhon sat down by Max. "So, why aren't you playing?"

 "They don't seem me as a woodscout, but a punching bag."


  Max moved his arm to his side and looked at Jhon, taking in details. "How long have you been with the woods-"

 Edward starting pouting as David laughed in happiness.

 "Max. In the boat. NOW." 

 Max stood up rather quickly and went into the boat as Edward, Snake, and Petrol into the boat.Edward sighed and looked at Max.

 "Be on the guard tonight, you will have to teach some other units on how to be the guard and what to do."

 Max nodded and watched the water get cut by the boat.


  As night came the three kids he was supposed to teach, or show walked to Max's tent.Max was messing with his flashlight as they spoke. "Max" It was a girl, Fox. 

 "You ready to teach us?" Derek.

 "Yeaahh its getting cold and I wanna move!" Jack.

 Max looked at them. "Yeah yeah go outside and wait."

   They did as told, Max was busy messing with bandages from his bruises, here it was hard to hide them but bandages worked well.After a few minutes, Max ran out with a flashlight and looked at all of them. "Alright, the first step to being a night guard is."- this lasted for hours.Max was at their dock explaining to them how many steps they could take before falling into the water.Fox smiled as she grabbed Max's was quite easy to grab since Max was looking away.Jack and Derek got the idea Fox had and Jack grabbed his other arm. "H-Hey!" Max wiggled a little wildly. 

   "You move more ill punch you harder then I already am going to." Derek grinned raising his fist in the air, slamming it down right on Max's stomach, where unfortunately there was a bruise.Max gaged a little and teared up. 

  "LET ME THE FUCK GO!" Max tried not to sound weak but considering that he was held in place so easily there was kind of no point to.Derek started to punch him over and over, getting alittle bit rougher with each punch.Max started to cry when Derek stopped. 

 "Should we do something with him?" Fox asked dropping him from Jack letting go earlier.Max curled up on the dock.

 "Yes, but we need him to get knocked out."

  Max looked up at them. "W-What?" 

Then it was black

-At Camp Campbell-

   Niki was reading a magazine as Derek, Fox, and Jack started to unload Max out of the boat to put in the forest to let him get scared or eaten, either way, it was a win to them.Niki heard the boat motor leave on the lake, this got her curious.She grabbed a flashlight and walked out to where the noise came from, nothing there.She decided to walk in a random direction. "Jhon is that you?" She heard a boys whimper and shown her light on it, it was Max asleep with a black eye, cuts, and red knees and palms.Niki blinked before walking over to him, poking his cheek. "Hey kid you alive?" Max groaned and flinched at her touch. "Oh boy.." She picked Max up making him make a small cry noise from the new bruises.She walked back to camp,to her cabin and stared at the boy with his face scrunched up in pain.Niki sighed and set the boy on the table in her cabin.


Two chapters in one day >:D

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