•im here•

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word count: 1085 (unedited so sorry for mistakes lol)
jungkook was in complete darkness. no sound. nothing insight. silence. he couldn't feel how the pack members were shaking him or trying to get his heart beating again. he couldn't feel the pain of the deep scratches on his stomach getting pushed around while they were trying to start his heart up.

it was as if, he was dead.


about 10 minuets into everyone sobbing and frantically trying to get jungkooks heart a jumpstart, his heart started beating again.

it was a miracle. it wasn't humanly possible for him to be 'dead' that long and come back to life. hi heart was beating, he was alive. but he was in a coma. trapped inside his own mind.

taehyung was crying out loud in the corner of the room feeling all the pain jungkook was supposed to feel inside of him. he could feel the screaming sensation inside of him while he knew jungkook was screaming out for them.. they just didn't know.


guys! please! calm down! i'm going to be okay. i promise.. PLEASE! jungkook finally realized that he was indeed slipping into a coma. they couldn't hear him. all he could hear was small mumbles of people crying and telling him to wake up. he couldn't move.

"guys let's leave taehyung alone with jungkook so he can calm down," jungkook heard jin say.

everyone had agreed and walked out of the room leaving crying taehyung and jungkook alone. taehyung was holding jungkook's hand while sobbing into it.

"kookie, i d-not know-w i-if you c-can hear-r me b-but i just want-t to let y-you know that everything-g i-is gonna be o-okay,"

jungkook could hear him. he wanted to sit up and hug his baby but he couldn't. he was in a coma obviously he couldn't.

"a-and i w-want you to k-know that i-i l-love you," taehyung started crying again. he was crying so hard. why did that pack have to do this?


:2 days later:

"taehyung, please take a shower. you've been eating and drinking water your fine just take a shower please."

taehyung stopped eating for a day when jungkook went into a coma. he didn't want to leave jungkook in case he woke up, taehyung wanted to be there.

"but what if he wakes up?" jungkook has been healing really well and he should maybe wake up soon. they don't know. the longest a werewolf could be in a coma is 3-4 days because of healing.

"he should wake up soon, i want to be here."

"yes i know, but if he wakes up he would want you to smell good i'm sure."

taehyung sighed. what if he woke up? he's been by his side waiting for two days. even when the pack went to wolf form to hunt taehyung would shift but cuddle up next to jungkook and hope hat jungkook could wake up next to taehyung's fluffy fur. but he hasn't woken up.

"okay, but if he wakes up... i swear please come get me,"

"of course taehyung"

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