Prologue Part 2

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*The angel
Author Note
How do you guys like it so far?


The rains continue to pour heavily as the thunders continues to roars. Two figure can be seen hazing through the rain, making their way to what looks like a small traditional Japanese home.

" We are here." She said as she let go of the angel and slide the door opens. The woman folds the umbrella in and rests it on the wall. She looks at the angel as she takes back her arm as she leads inside the house and sat the angel down onto the zabuton*.

"Let's get you out of those clothes and dry you out." The woman said as she goes said as she goes to one of the closet and pull out a towel and a white yukata and hand it to the angel, who accepts.

"The door on your left leads you to the bathroom, you can shower there. When you finish, just comes back out here. I'll make some tea to warm you when you are back." The woman said as she helps the angel back up and leads her to the paper wood sliding door. The bathroom was modernize compared to the traditional house. The angel knew how all this work so she hanged the towels and yukata onto the hang rails. She began to undress herself and heads to the shower.

"I wonder why she didn't mention anything about my wings." The angel whispers out to herself as she cleans herself up. She begins to rinse her body rid of the mud and debris. Though the mud on her wings had now been harden and nearly impossible to get rid of. After much effort, she manages to clean her wings by using shampoo and the toothbrush in the cup. Though her hair on the other hand, it was caked in mud and refuses to loosen. The angel took a deep breath and looked around. She stopped looked when she noticed what she needed. She reached her hand and took the scissors from one of the basket on the shelves.

"It's just one bad thing after another." The angel whispers out as she starts to cut her hair. The angel didn't stop until she rid of all the mud. Though her once long hair that moments ago reached the floor now was an uneven mess. The angel didn't care, she simply put the hair she had cut in the trash. Then she put onto the yukata and goes back to the living room.

"Have a seat dear, the tea is almost done. I also have some apples that I picked from the back of the house" The woman said as she turns around to looked at the angel. The moment the woman saw the states of her hair, she froze and dropped the knife she was using to cuts the apple. The woman quickly picked the knife back up and cleared her throat.

"What happened to your hair dear?" The woman asks calmly with a shocked expression, clearly surprise with the angel new appearance."

"I cut it, the mud wouldn't come off." The angel sat down and finally replied to her with a stoic look. The woman didn't expect a reply from her at all, though when the angel spoke. The woman eyes soften and smile gently at her.

"I see. Well, let's have some snacks and then we can fix up your hair." The woman said as she turns around to picked up a tray that has a plate of rabbit apples and two cup of green tea. She carries to the table and sat it down. The angel looks at the woman in curiosity and confusion as the woman have difficulty sitting down on the zabuton because of her pregnancy.

The two of them sat in silence.

"Here, have some of this. It'll help you gain back some energy and the tea will you up." The woman said with a smile as she pushes the plates of the rabbit apples closer to the angel.

"These apples look odd." The angel said as she picks one up and look at it with curiosity.

"I just cut them into rabbits. They have ears." She said with a chuckle as she picks me up and points at the ears.

"Do you always cut them this way?" The angel asks as she continues to look at her apple piece intently.

"Yes, it makes me think of home when I eat them. My mother used to do it to me all the time." The woman said with a smile.

"She used to?" The angel asks as she put down her apple piece back onto the table and meets the woman blue eyes.

"Yes, she passed now. Well, do you like them?" The woman asks with a bitter smile.

"No, I don't think so." The angel replied as she looks at the plate that the apple rabbits lay on.

"Why do you not like them?" The woman with curiosity as she wonders what wrong with her apples; with that curiosity the woman picks up another open and took a bite. There was nothing wrong with it, they are crunchy and sweet with a slight tart flavor.

"I think it just kind of morbid." The angel said as turn her from the plate to meet the woman eyes. With the angel seriousness, the woman began to laughs because of the angel childlike mindset.

"What makes you think that?" The woman asks with eyes that seems to sparkles with humor.

"When you eat it, you only have the choice of eating from the head or the behind. I think it's a cruel way to leave the world." The angel said with same seriousness; making the woman laughs even more so.

"Well, let's think it this way. An artwork is created because the artist wants the world to enjoy it. Food is also a type of art. Someone put their time and effort to put that in front of you. Wouldn't it be rude to not enjoy them, or at least try it? If this makes you feel better, these apples feel no pain." The woman said with an earnest smile as she looks at the angel with soften eyes.

The angel didn't reply, instead she turned her away from the woman and look intently as she stares at the plate of apples with consideration. The angel seriousness makes the woman watches her with amusements. The angel eyes wavered as her face seems to wrestle with an emotion, until her face becomes determine and look back at the woman and stare into her eyes. The woman continues to sit there amused, unsurprised with the angel quick change of emotions. Instead of saying anything, the woman returns the stare until the angel quickly turned her head back to the plates of the rabbit pieces. Slowly with grace, the angel raises her hands up and picks one of the apple pieces and took a small bite from the "head". The angel face slowly changes to delight as the flavor of the sweet apples spread through her as she chews. When she was done, she turns her head back to the woman and moved her hand that held the apple piece in front of the woman.

"These are heavenly." The angel said as she moves her hand back toward her and took another bite.

"I'm glad that you like it, have as many as you like." The woman said with a pleasing as she pours more tea into her cup and move another cup closer to the angel, signaling that she wants her to drink it.

"Thank you so much." The angel said as she finally picked up her once hot, now lukewarm and drinks it. Though she was satisfied as it still soothes her sore throat that began healing a while back. The angel didn't stop until she ate four more apple pieces and finishes her tea as the woman watches with her with contents.

*zabuton-a Japanese seat cushion
Word count: 1327

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