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Dear friend, lt seems
You are so numb
So done and fed up
You may be finding it so hard
To chase the pace
ln the race
To terminate your heartbeat
To cease thoughts in your brain
To flee from the tickle down the vain
The tears that trickle down your cheek
You no more dream the peak
Rather, wanna quit here
Letting life unfolded
Letting puzzles unsolved
Being in the terrible daze,
The blade besides you gaze
At you and yell
Nothing more remains for you, well,
Just end it
End this worthless life

But dear friend, know
All teens, you, me and 'em
All just wanna end it
Life sucks in terrible
lt seems so horrible
All tend to do the same deed
But not because you find yourself as weed
lts because you love you the most
Atleast once you get frost,
You want whole world to care for you
lts not that you wanna ruin your existance
lntending to no more be an annoyance
Rather, through their endurance
At your departure
You wanna console your soul
ln glimpse,
By rubbing blade 'gainst your wrist,
You seek nothing else but sympathy
But l wonder how fool you are
To let yourself down
By hoping that, by your death,
You can posess
A handful sympathy
From this selfish world
Who themselves run after sympathy!

Honestly,it was kinda borring right?
(Sorries, will try to make furthur entries short :) )
NB👀 It wasnt a random scribbling obviously but written in dedication for a buddy who used to talk of suiciding frequently. (He was never serious though, but still dedication for a fun, however the funniest thing is that after my poem, he never even dared to say the word 'suicide' lol😂 !)


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