Chapter 3

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Hayden's POV ~

Because of this fake relationship that I'm supposed to keep up with Annie, I can't even tell everyone that I'm actually dating Kenzie. I'm planning on quitting soon as I don't want my relationship with Kenzie to suffer because of the Leblanc's.

I'm actually meeting Kenzie today at Menchie's and then we're gonna go for a walk. I have to keep this relationship very lowkey which means no kissing and hugging in public where there's a possibility of the fans seeing us. I'm gonna tell Kenzie that I'll be quitting today.

Kenzie's POV ~

So Hayden recently told me about this whole publicity stunt and while I don't hate Annie or anything, I don't like MY boyfriend pretending to be someone else's. I've got to do something about this before it gets any worse. I want to be able to tell everyone that Hayden is mine and not Annie's. so I decided to cancel plans with Hayden and let johnny help me come up with a plan to make sure Annie and Hayden aren't together.

Johnny's POV ~

so Kenzie told me she needed help with this whole Hayden and Annie thing so well, I guess here I am. ok fine! I like Kenzie, in the more than a friend way.. but that doesn't matter, shes with Hayden... Unless... well I could do something about that.

ya Kenzie and Johnny at Menchie's ~

Kenzies POV ~

"Hey, Johnny! Over here!", I exclaimed while waving at him. We got some froyo and then we started thinking of ways to make sure Hayden would never contact Annie again. Johnny seemed kinda off today, I don't know what it was so I just decided to cut back on the 'Hannie' talk. We spoke for hours and I started to realize that I really did like johnny... wait no! I cant! I have a boyfriend "Kenzie you cant like johnny, you have a boyfriend", I kept telling myself but I just couldn't stop thinking about him.

Authors Note:

Yayy I managed to get some Jenzie in this chapter! I'm so happy ahh I love Johhnny haha. Next chapter should have a little more Hannie in it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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