Library books and a thunderstorm

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The pitter patter of rain smacked against the window, a rapid abrupt spark of light travelled from the tombstone grey clouds to the pavement that is being pummelled by rain drops. A clashing eruption expelled from the sky, shaking the library and causing the ceiling lights to flicker.
The steam from the mug containing a hot brown chocolatey  substance floated into the air, brushing my coffee coloured curls out of my face; continuing reading I turned the page of my book. Engrossing myself into the world of mystical creatures and battles between magical creatures like dragons and Orges which are yellow/green monsters that have horns and tusks.

Ever since my mom died I switched my mind and words off from the world that lays in front of me, some people felt sorry for me whispering about me falling into depression because of my moms death; that wasn't the case.
Three years ago was the saddest moment of my life. My mom took her last breathe and her ocean blue sparkling eyes closed, she told me to never stop believing in what I wanted to do and to never let anyone tell me any different. My dad was never really in the picture due to him being in the navy and always at sea, he wanted to stay with me but I told him otherwise as he enjoys what he does. I pull my sleeves down so they hang over my hands due to a cold breeze slipping through the door as someone steps in from the storm, peaking up at the clock seeing that it's 19:30pm. Strange. No one usually comes in this late, looking up at the person who's just stumbled in and seeing a girl I've never seen before; she had mousy blonde hair that hung down and heavy from rain, cheeks pinked from the cool breeze; even from where I was sat I could see her eyes, her warm bright eyes that reminded me so much of my mothers - glittering blue that looked like a dazzling stars spread in the ocean. My breathe caught in my throat as I watched her run her small slim fingers on each spine of every book, she's beautiful.

She spots me staring and sends me a soft smile and heads in my direction, my eyes widen as she nears; "Hey, I'm new here my names Kelsie" she sticks her hand out waiting for me to grab and shake it, my throat began to dry up and my eyes not leaving her hand. She slowly drops her hand as she realises I won't shake it to answer her, disappointment floods her eyes as she begins to move away.

"Oliver" I reply, she spins around looking at me shocked but a smile broke out on her face; she's not the only one shocked, I can't believe I spoke for the first time in three years to a girl I don't know, yet I trust her with the whole of me.

I began to feel warm again like I did when my mom was alive.

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