Black Rain- Chapter Fifteen

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"I need you to go out to the store for me later if you don't mind." Stone said as he zipped up his jeans. He slipped on his shirt and combed his hair with his fingers in the mirror.

"You don't have to go to work today. You can stay with me all day." Chris said with a smile. Stone chuckled and sat down on the bed.

He was sitting next to Chris with his legs crossed Indian style. His fingers were playing in Chris' hair as he still laid under  the covers. Stone leaned down and placed a kiss on his lips.

"I'll write you a list of what we need. You can go pick it up later." Stone told him. He reached into the nightstand and pulled out a notebook and pen.

It was Chris' notebook that he often wrote down songs and guitar notes in. Stone flipped to an empty page and began to write his grocery list before ripping the sheet out and giving it to Chris. It was a short simple list.

"Alright. I'll go out sometime later and pick it up." Chris said. Stone leaned down again and placed gentle kisses on Chris' lips.

"Alright, I gotta head to work or I'm going to be late." Stone giggled as Chris kept pecking his lips over and over.

"Ed-" Chris began. But he quickly stopped himself. It wouldn't be the first time he had almost called Stone by the name of Eddie.

Stone knotted his eyebrows. "What was that?"

Chris shook his head. "Never mind. Have a good day, Stone. I'll see you when you get home."

Stone smiled and nodded his head. "I'll try, and Chris, I love you, and I'll miss you."

"I love you, too." Chris said, faking a smile. Stone placed one last kiss on his lips before hopping off the bed and slipping his shoes on. Chris watched as he left, shutting the bedroom door behind him.

* * *

Eddie wandered around the streets of Seattle. It felt like a million years since he had seen this place, and he couldn't believe he had actually missed it. Maybe because he was lost for so long, and actually had no idea where he was. Until he finally made a friend, by the name of Layne, who was also going to Seattle.

Eddie found himself walking past his parents house. Nothing had changed. It still looked the same. Although, something in the atmosphere felt different around the house. Eddie couldn't quite place it.

The car was in the driveway, so Eddie didn't bother to go up and knock on the door. He wanted to see Mike, but he'd come back another time, when his parents were gone.

Eddie pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He began to pack his cigarettes down, before opening the pack and getting one out. Layne had provided him with three packs of cigarettes before they went their separate ways.

Eddie wanted to find Chris. Yet, it had been years, and he had forgot where Chris lived. He had only been there a handful of times. But, since Chris claimed to see him on the streets so many times, he figured he would soon see him.

He was making his way to the park. Just to remind him of the memories of Chris. He found himself not sitting, but standing on the bench. He looked around the park, took a deep breath, and smiled.

He pulled out his small journal from his pocket. He had kept onto this for all these years. Almost all the pages were filled now. All but four pages. He flipped to an empty page and began to write.

'I hope he hasn't found a better man.'

That was all Eddie wrote before sticking it back into the pocket, along with his pen. He took the last drag from his cigarette before throwing it on the ground and hopping off the bench.

Eddie made his way back into the crowded streets. The population had increased since Eddie was last here. There was a lot of faces he seen that he had never seen before. When someone bumped into him, he had to strain himself from pushing them down.

The stranger mumbled a sorry and rushed away. Eddie sighed from aggravation and continued to wander the streets, looking for his lost love.

"Where are you?" Eddie whispered to himself.

He walked and walked, but never seen a sign of Chris anywhere. He began to wonder if Chris maybe left Seattle himself. He tried to think of where Chris lived, but he had no idea, and he didn't know if it would be such a good idea to just barge in on him.

"Eddie! Hey, it's nice to see you again!" A voice from behind yelled to him. He recognized the voice. It was Layne. His friend that he had only seen hours ago. Beside him, was a man who was a few inches taller than him. He didn't recognize the other man.

"Hey. What's up?" Eddie asked with a smile on his face.

"We were just going to see our friend, Mike. Eddie, this is Jerry. Jerry, this is Eddie. I met him on my way to Seattle."

Eddie shook Jerry's hand. Jerry sent him a beautiful smile, and Eddie did the same.

"You lost or something?" Layne asked. Eddie shook his head.

"Nah, I'm not lost. I'm just, you know, looking for a friend." Eddie explained.

"Well, good luck with that. We're heading up to Mike's for band practice. You're welcome to come watch if you want. Give us your opinion on how we're doing."

Eddie chuckled. "Yeah, sounds cool. I'll definitely have to come do that sometime. I just really need to find my friend."

Layne smiled. "Understandable. Good luck finding him."

"We'll see you around." Jerry said. Eddie nodded his head and they continued on their way.

Eddie looked ahead and stopped walking. He couldn't believe it. There was Chris, walking toward the grocery store. He still looked the same just as he had years ago before Eddie left.

Eddie couldn't take his eyes off him. He felt like crying from the joy that Chris was still in town, he was still the same Chris. So beautiful and perfect. Not even a flaw on him. Everything about him was so beautiful.

Look at me.

I'm right here, Chris.

Please look at me.

Look at me.

And when Chris' eyes met Eddie's, he completely stopped walking. Eddie's heart skipped a beat as the two stared into each other's eyes.

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