Little mouse boy

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August 30th

"It's 15 minutes away, and we are going straight there, this is the last load and then you'll be able to chill out for the day."
Maddox tried to comfort me, this week has me stressed out more than anything. "It's just 15 minutes away, people died in seconds Maddox," I said bluntly. "Well, then why don't we get it over with then huh?" I looked at the groceries in the back along with my blankets and some boxes.
Maddox had been the one to drive me to my new apartment all week. I felt embarrassed and guilty for not being able to tell him where my anxiety came from.
"You're doing great, don't worry about it ok?" I gave him a small smile.

"Would you look at that? Made it here in one piece" he said jokingly, I shrugged and started unloading the stuff. My apartment was on the 5th floor room 508, I started to realize that I wasn't going to have anyone to sleep with me in the same house for the first time ever.

"Nervous?" I looked at the house, Mrs. Angie's dogs all sat at my feet, Kacy and Tank the black and white Great Danes and then Lily the little corgi. They all panted happily, "me nervous? never, I've got three dogs and some guard fish." He chuckled "now that you've got your own place I can come and do you dirty on your bed without anyone coming in." He said in a rough voice lowly whispering in my ear. My blush came so fast I didn't even feel it. "I've got to f-feed my fish" I tried to run off, but he caught me by my arm. "No I'm hungry" he pulled me into his chest biting down on my neck, I let a small squeaking noise escape my mouth.
"You're like a little mouse" he laughed letting me go, I crossed my arms "If you're to keep bullying me I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I said sternly he raised an eyebrow "oh so now that you've got a place you can kick me out, you're all big and bad." I nodded playfully "well then I'll be going to then, and I'll just have to take the fish with me." He started walking towards the room, I jumped in front of him "n-no what are you doing." It was his turn to fold his arms "I bough the fish, so I take them with me when I leave." "N-no what don't take them please, I take care of them." He started to walk toward the room again "wait, wait, I'll give you anything else don't take the fish please." I pleaded trying to protect my kids, he leaned down in my face as I blocked the door to my room. "Anything" he challenged I swallowed hard, "a-anything reasonable" I watched him think in his head. "Ok, give me a kiss Copernicus" I looked at him and back at my kids. "A-a kiss?" I questioned, my answer was given as his lips placed themselves on mine.

Like before he didn't kiss me with any force, they almost seemed to float on mine until he knew I wouldn't back away. He had this taste to him that I couldn't name, but it tasted good, he leaned into me more, I almost tripped over my own feet. He caught me by my hips. "Are you falling for me, Copernicus?" He asked with amusement in his eyes. "Why do you say my name like that," I asked he stood up and back out of my bubble. "Like what?" "Y-you say it like its special," I said, the question was more to my self then to him.
"It is special because it belongs to a special person."

September sixth

A week later I was already back at home, "you're just like your brother you've now both have places to live but you're still at home." Mom yelled waving a wooden spoon everywhere "mom you're getting mashed potatoes everywhere." I cried she turned to me "good since you're home you can clean it." My eyes widened "coming dad" I called my dad who in fact did not call me.

I slipped around the corner of the kitchen and into someone's path. "Ow" I looked up at Maddox "Bloomer did you just strike me" he called loud enough for my mom to hear. "N-no I didn't mean to" he winked at me "You didn't mean to purposely bump into me?" He questioned in fake pain I glared at him. "Bloom what did you do?" My mom walked out to see Maddox faking a pain in his shoulder. "Mama Woods I think your son is out to get me" I gasped "you liar" I felt a smack on my butt. Mom glare at me making me shut up. "Don't even think about being rude to him, I don't care if he marries into the family he is a guest. Say sorry" I looked at Maddox who grinned at me "I'm sorry you're a liar"
Another smack to the butt with a spoon. "Stop being rude or we will make you walk home." I pouted and looked up to see Maddox smirking like the fiend he truly is. I apologize to the lair and then walked toward the living room, the liar right at my heels.
"I know I've said it before but you're kind of like a mouse Bloom, did you know that?" I looked at him with a puzzled expression. "A-a mouse no I'm not," I said turning my back to him in a huff. "Oh yeah, you're tiny like one, a bit jumpy like one. That squeak you do is kind of cute too" I was about to ask what squeak he meant. But one slipped from my lips when I felt his teeth nibble my earlobe. "See like a little mouse" I frowned a bit, a mouse? He chuckled "it's it bad don't worry"

We all held hands around the table to pray, we all bowed our heads.

Expect for Maddox, he's never done it and you can just tell. I think I'm either the only one who notices or who cares. "Have you talk to Carrie lately?" My mom asked Aaron shrugged "yeah she's been over why" mom shrugged innocently. "Says she's pregnant." We all froze,

"I'm kidding goodness"
We all learned to breathe again, expect Maddox he never flinched like we never said a word. "Why would you do that mom?" "Cause it'll teach you to be extra careful, I'm sure you don't have to take as many precautions with Maddox but still." I scrunched my nose,

"We aren't allowed to talk about me and Aaron fucking" I looked up Maddox had his head propped on his hand bored looking. But I saw on his slightly smirked lips, he was amused at the reaction. "Well why not he knows doesn't he?" Dad asked mom nodded.
"He's jealous" they rolled their eyes "well baby if you want to go to bed with a man find you one." Maddox glanced at me "no, he was jealous that Aaron was fucking me." He took a bite of broccoli "n-n-no I wasn't" "if you talk about it long enough he'll say some bad words to that's how you really know you're under his skin." "Shut the hell up Maddox."
"See, he's so fired up" he sat up now "Bloom stop being rude to guest" "no it's ok, I thought I fixed the problem but I'll have another go at it."

My face explodes red I knew what he was talking about, "n-no. Shut up" my dad arched a brow and my mom smiled "really how so?" She knows what she's doing that she-devil.
I was starting to feel faint.
Maddox made eye contact again making me loose oxygen.
He's going to kill me oh god I'm gonna die.
I can't breathe.
"I'll have to fuck him again"

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