Do you remember me?

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November 30
Bloomers pov.
Breath in.
Breath out.
Breath in.
I can't do it.

I can do this, I say sadly in my head.
I shake my head. "No it's fine he can't say no" I look at Kacy her large body laying on the couch and her brother in the room. "Thanks so much for your help." I groaned as the doorbell rang I jumped up rushing to get it.

I was tackled by someone and and I let out a squeal when I was lifted in the air. I looked down to see Maddox grinning "hello Princess" I glared "Maddox you gave me a heart attack!" He chuckled "hello to you too Bloomer" I saw Jaxon come up behind Maddox. "Oh hello Jaxon" he's been coming over more and more often. "You're not as shy now have you warmed up to me then?" He questioned leaning down in my face making me hide behind Maddox.

"Only some you're still fairly creepy" he laughed and closed the door as he entered my house. Maddox grabbed my hand placing a kiss on my cheek and I walked over to the couch. I took a deep breath before I blurted it out.

"Jaxonyoulookreallyfamilairdoiknowyou?" I asked in one breath making him smirk at little "that's kind of a dick move, I though you already knew who I was" I shook my head confused "you don't remember me? I met you freshman came to my house when my brother brought you."

I felt my skin turn red like my body was in fire.

"You're Styx's brother" he nodded "yeah that's me my mom missed you." I felt light headed like I couldn't walk I couldn't see anything tears filled my eyes and I couldn't breath. I wanted to eject my stomach holdings. "Y-you knew" I asked "I did and I told him to stop Styx was different kid I'm sorry for what happened to you." I felt relief wash over me like warm water I could breath again. "Are you ok Nick" I felt tears hit my chest I wiped my eyes. "Yes I'm fine. Thank you" I started crying harder like I couldn't help it, it just kept coming out.

"Come on baby lets go lay down ok?"

Authors note

So so sorry this is so short. It'd be longer if I could get on my laptop but hurricane Michael snatched my power and WiFi.

But I went swimming during it cause I'm trying to fucking die. Anyways. When Bloomer finds people who believe him it hits home a lot cause I hate when people don't believe me about deep shit. Vote and comments thanks

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