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"Dr.Jones." My voice is lacking in emotion as I stare at the stranger with cold eyes. The brunette turns around to look at me with his confused blue eyes that ask how I know him. I give him a look that immediately answers all the questions that are probably swarming around in his head. I can see his confused expression immediately turn into a fearful one filled with dread. "I am here to kill you."

"No! Not now!" He collapses onto the floor with tears flowing down his ghostly white cheeks that were stained a light pink due to the chill in the air. Such a typical reaction. He lets out weak sobs and looks up at me with eyes hoping that I would take pity on him. Pity is one of the many emotions that don't exist when it comes to this job. "I have a family waiting for me! Please have mercy! My children need me..."

"Someone has paid good money to have you dead and nothing can stop me from completing my mission, not even children." I don't understand why whenever I tell people they are going to die they always say that they have children. How is telling me about your personal life going to magically persuade me to spare your life? I'm an assassin for fuck's sake! You think that I would be so easily persuaded!? This is my job and if I don't do this then I can't support myself. "Although, I will do you one favour."

"What?" The man asks bitterly. I see he has moved out of the crybaby stage and onto the fighting stage. He snaps his head up to look into my eyes. He has the same look as all the rest of them. None of them is special, none of them is different. They're all just guys to scared to die. He grips the collar of my shirt and I can't help but let out a bored sigh as he drags me up to look into his eyes. His touch makes me want to burn this leather jacket alive. This man acts the exact same as the rest. For once I wish some of my targets were just a little bit creative with their reactions. "Is this favour you speak of making my death quick? Do you think I'm going to be thankful for that!?"

"Would you just shut up and listen to me?" I snap at the man who just reeks of desperation. I slap his hands off my leather collar and glare at the place his hands once laid. I can't wait until this mission is finished.

He takes a step back and I can tell what he's thinking. He wants to run. He turns as fast as he can but it's not fast enough. I grab his arm and force him to the wall without even breaking a sweat. One of the many perks of being a highly skilled assassin. He closes his eyes as if bracing for an impact that never came.

"Listen, Dr.Jones," I try to hide the frustration in my voice. Why does every single one of my targets decide to be so difficult? "The favour that I will give you is one final wish before I have to kill you."

"What?" The brunette stutters still shaken by me throwing him against the wall. I decided that I should let him down so he can think more rationally. "Why? Is this part of some sick game?"

"No, and I don't want to explain my motives to a dead man." I pinch the bridge of my nose and let out a bored sigh as I gaze back down at the man. "If you don't answer me soon I can kill you right here with no closure to whatever is going on in your life."

"No!" The doctor yells out desperately. Unknown to him, I would not have killed him if he had no wish. That's not the way I do things. The middle-aged doctor pauses as if to think about what he actually wants to wish for. I wonder if it will be something selfish or if it will be something for a loved one. It's usually a fifty-fifty split. "I want to go to the nearby hospital. Specifically, room 207."

"Alright." I shrug my shoulders and adjust my jacket as I get ready to make our way to the hospital. "So, do I have to sneak you in or can we go in through the front?"

"Wait, you're not going to question why I want to go to the hospital before I die?" The man eyes widen in confusion. "What's your deal?"

"Look, I don't care about you or whatever is going on in your life." I glare at the man who's asking way too many questions for my liking. "You are just another target in my eyes. Nothing more and nothing less."

One Final WishWhere stories live. Discover now