Chapter 1

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"Agent Mark Graves!" I hear the sound of my commander calling out for me ring throughout the large room. "You're next target has been chosen."

"What!? So soon!?" Justin complains annoyed. He voiced what we were all thinking, this was way too soon for another assignment. I only just got back a few minutes ago and it usually takes a week to get another assignment. "Ugh, this is so unfair!"

My mind wanders through every possibility as to why I'm being assigned to a target so early but my eyes widen when I come to the most logical conclusion. Promotional assassination. Promotional assassination is basically a really big target that once killed allows the assassin to move up the ranks. They're usually ten times more dangerous than the normal ones but some people like that about them. However, I am not like those thrill-seeking lunatics.

"Mark!" The sound of Steve's smooth voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I realize that everyone has shut their mouth including Justin, which is saying something. They all must be coming to the same conclusion as I did. "The Commander is waiting for you. You don't want to keep him waiting for long."

I nod to him and start to make my way slowly to the office of my commander. When I get to him, he nods which I return. His eyes are usually tired with a little bit of brightness in them but that brightness is no more as he gestures for me to enter his office. I sit myself down on the chair in front of his desk and he closes the door behind us. In his usual chair is a man facing away from me which makes me look at the Commander confused but he stays silent.

"Agent Mark Graves, it's a pleasure to meet you." The deep and ominous voice breaks the tense silence in the room. The chair slowly turns to reveal a man with tanned skin and black hair that shows slight streaks of grey in them. His body type makes him look like he can snap me in half and not even break a sweat but his light blue eyes show the same tiredness I see in the Commander. I don't need to ask who he is, it's pretty obvious. "I am Director Frost."

"I know who you are." I don't change my blunt attitude for someone as important as Director Frost. He smirks at me as I continue to glare at him with a confused look on my face. "The real thing I want to know is why are you here?"

"Well, I have a pretty big assignment on my hands and I was looking for an assassin who would be good enough to complete this task. So, I started talking to my good pal Commander Crimson and to my surprise he was going on and on about one assassin he believes is perfect for this job. Now, we're here talking to said assassin." He gives me a wicked smile that shows off his crooked yellow teeth. "You all caught up yet?"

"Yes, Director Frost."

"Excellent!" He claps his hands together and slowly gets out of the Commander's chair. He walks towards me slowly sizing me up like a predator sizes up his prey. He walks in front of me and uses the desk to lean on. He grabs a file that was strewn on the desk and throws it at me. I struggle to catch it but luckily it didn't fall to the ground. "That file has all the information about your target. I'd go over it with you but that's the Commander's job. I just came to tell you that if you mess this up you'll be stuck as a low-class rookie assassin for the rest of your life." He looks me dead in the eyes making me gulp. "Do you understand, Agent Graves?"

"Yes I do, Director Frost." I look into his cold blue eyes with confidence clearly shown in them. He smirks at me satisfied with both the confidence and the response. "I will not let you down."

"Excellent! I can see why Commander Crimson talks so highly of you!" He gets off the desk and adjusts his navy blue suit. "I'll get out of your hair and let the good Commander here debrief you. Maybe after you finish the job we can talk about naming you Special Agent Graves?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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