Bonus: Biscuit

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*Warning: Only read if you dod not like the original ending*

Toki wandered the streets of Endpool thinking about what had happened the day before. "That guy seemed to act like he knew everything about me... Maybe he is right, maybe I did just lose my memory..." she said to herself as she placed her palm on her forehead. "No, no.. I couldn't have." she continued, shaking her head and walking again.

She got to her old house again and entered cautiously, making sure no one was watching her. She confirmed that no one was, and proceeded to enter her home.

She threw her bandana and leather clothes onto her sofa and looked at the seats. There were two dips opposite where she usually sat; one from Al and another... she looked at the smaller dip, it looked very familiar but she wasn't quite sure who had made it.

Suddenly, her head began to throb with pain, she grabbed her head, closed her eyes and gritted her teath. "What the hell is happening?" she asked herself in a worried tone.

The pain soon released itself from Toki and she became more relaxed. She gave out a big sigh as she lifted her hands off her head. "I don't know what that was, I should probably see a doctor soon."

She walked over to the pile of paperwork she had shown Al a few days ago; she picked a few up, reading parts of them as she did so.

"10, 11, 12... Where's 13?" she counted the books of paperwork and searched vigorously for the 13th book. She searched under tables and chairs but still couldn't find it.

She fell onto the sofa and placed her hand on her cheek, "That had most of my research about time travel in... hopefully it was only Al who took it."


She had gotten changed into her normal-looking clothes, the black top and brown trousers, she didn't have any food so she went to the nearest cafe and sat at the table.

The waitress brought her order to her table, "Your soup and tea ma'am." the woman said, "Complimentary chocolate biscuit." she added, handing it to her.

Toki smiled amd thanked her as she walked away. Toki was very glum and leaned her head against her fist. She picked up and looked at the rectangular biscuit and examined it. Something was strangely familiar about the biscuit, her head started to hurt again but not as much as before. She shut her eyes a little to distract herself.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes and her face turned into confusion, she looked at the biscuit once more, "...Ed?"

The Clockwork Alchemist (Fullmetal alchemist fanfiction) [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now