3- It's a no brain

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Camille tied back her curly brown hair.

‘’George’’ she shook his shoulders as George began to slip in and out of consciousness

‘’George you’ve lost a lot of blood’’ She inserted another Saline line ‘’I’m going to have to sow it back up otherwise he can lose too much blood’’ Camille looked around to be consolidated by three pale faces and three pairs of hopeful eyes.

‘’Just do what you need to’’ Adam said

Camille reached for her kit bag, and put on a pair of latex gloves. She then injected George with anaesthetic around where his wound was, which deeply penetrated into his mid torso. It was evidently made with a knife, a long one at that. Camille got out a needle and thread and wiped George’s warm blood away from the wound. She began to sew him up, reaching inside of him to close the wound whilst the amount of blood and the size of the wound alike began to decrease in size. ’I’ve finished’’ Camille announced ‘’we should move him onto a bed so he can rest, it will take a while for him to come to’’ the boys got up and went to get the room ready.

‘’What happened?’’ Camille asked, her olive eyes wide with concern

‘’He turns up here, covered in blood and faints like I told you’’ Matty states

‘’And you didn’t call an ambulance because?’’

‘’Because I don’t know what happened I told you this’’

Camille had a chance to take in the apartment properly; she was sat on a brown leather couch, occupied by a unconscious George. Camille got up to open the curtains and the windows, the smell of fresh air instantly overtaking the stale smell in the room. She got a black bag and threw away the majority of the litter which lay askew in the open plan living room/kitchen combination.

‘’You don’t have to do that’’ Matty objected, now in front of Camille whilst holding her right wrist with his left hand. Her wrist was miniscule in comparison with his hand. Camille looked up to Matty’s face. He had blood and tears smeared across his face.

‘’Matty, if you don’t want to call an ambulance , you don’t want people finding George’s blood everywhere , especially on your face’’

Matty’s eyes spoke volumes to Camille , both of their olive eyes interlocked with eachother. Matty released his gentle grip from Camille. ‘’I understand’’ He spoke , his voice coming out in nothing but a hoarse whisper. ‘’I understand’’

Exit Wounds (A Matty Healy/ The 1975 Story)Where stories live. Discover now