Chapter Two

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Mood - Cardi B (feat. 21 Savage) - Bartier Cardi


"Rose, c'mon, what's so bad about going to the club at least once in a month? We'll only be out for a few hours," Travis whines out, his voice going high pitched and piercing.

"Travis, I'd rather stay indoors. You know how my mom is; she is a cop, you know," I groan out frustrated, my phone pressed against my ear.

"I'm sure she'll allow this at least once. You're not getting any younger! Come on, you're eighteen and have never been to a club before. Let me take you this once, for our one year anniversary?" Travis begs again, sincerity laced in each word.

Sighing, I rub a hand through my straightened hair, looking into my mirror. I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Besides, the club Travis wants to go to does have good security... Caving, I let Travis know.

"Fine, what should I wear? Mom is working tonight so you'll have to pick me up soon so we're back before three in the morning."

"Yes! Score!" Travis screams out.

I rip the phone away from my ear harshly as he cheers, my right ear ringing now. "I promise you won't regret this, decision, Rose. Where your normal clothes, just put on some red lipstick or something. I'll be there by twelve!"

Travis hangs up on me before I can respond, leaving me to get dressed. Suddenly, a notification causes my phone to vibrate. Looking down, I find that mother texted me.

"I know it's your anniversary tonight with, Travis. Be safe when you go out and keep me posted. Also, there was another body found in an alley about five minutes from our place. Same M.O. as the druggies kills. Thought I'd let you know."

Nodding to myself, I throw open my closet and shift through shirt after shirt before deciding on a red flannel with my current white tank-top and a pair of black high-waisted shorts. I also slide my favorite heels to finish off my look. Deciding to leave my makeup the way it is with just mascara, I head downstairs with my purse just as there's a knock on the door.

Swinging it open, I spot Travis leaning against the frame with a bouquet of, you guessed it, roses. "Hello, beautiful," Travis purrs, leaning down and kissing me slowly.

Kissing him back, I slip the roses from his hand before slipping them into the trash can hidden behind the door. Pulling away from Travis, I smile at him before heading out and locking the front door.

"Let's get the show on the road," Travis laughs while heading over to his car and hopping in.

Rolling my eyes, I slip into the passenger seat and buckle myself in, my phone at a solid forty-five percent. As Travis begins to drive, I lean my head against the window while looking at him, a small smile on my lips. Travis has always been one of my best decisions in life.

Travis has recently dyed his hair, making the usual deep brown a bleached blonde, tan skin from his trip to Hawaii, and piercing blue eyes; a typical surfer boy. Even with those looks, however, Travis stays with me and decides to ignore the surfer girls with the perfect beach bod. Smiling to myself, I look up at the sky and watch the stars through the window, the sky darker than black.

Suddenly, an icy chill runs through my body, forcing me to look out of the window and towards the buildings. When Travis stops at a stoplight, I look deep into the alley next to me and see a figure in the distance, a glowing red tip from a lit cigarette shining bright with an inhale from the man. Unable to see his face, I squint to strain my vision, only to see a striking white hand grab the cigarette before tossing it on the ground. Gulping, an eerie feeling runs through my stomach as he turns his back and walks away.

Letting out a breath I didn't know I held, I close my eyes, relaxing from the previous tense atmosphere. After another ten minute drive, Travis pulls into a parking space in front of the club. As soon as I step out, I feel the base from whatever hip hop song that is playing inside seep through my heel and travel up my body. Instantly, I feel the urge to throw up but I hold it back, just wanting to get this night over with.

Taking a few steps towards the door, Travis comes to my side and puts an arm around my waist, the bouncer being an old friend of Travis'. We stop to talk at him for a minute, the man's giant biceps looking intimidating and threatening. Feeling uncomfortable, I look away from him and peek inside, only to find about a six step incline. At the top, I'm able to see multiple flashing lights and some smoke from one of those smoke machines.

"Your girl can go in ahead of you, man. I need to talk to you for a bit," the bouncer, named Jim, urges, flicking his eyes to me for a second.

"You heard him, go on ahead, babe. I'll meet up to you at the bar."

Nodding, I give Jim an uneasy smile before slipping up the incline, immediately greeted by blinding lights and compressed sweaty bodies. Squeaking as a man slips passed me and grabs my ass, I scurry over to the bar and quickly sit in an empty seat, taking a deep breath. Rolling each of my shoulders individually, I keep my eyes closed as I try to unwind, the bartender shuffling around.

"Here, a drink on the house. Looks like your stressed," the man says, his voice deep and velvety, almost taunting.

"Thanks," I sigh, picking up the shot glass before leaning my head back and taking it without much of a hassle.

I lick my lips when it's gone before sliding the glass back to the man and waiting for the next one. I don't bother to look at him as I wait for Travis to come in. When I don't see him after five minutes, I think about going out to get him when my arm is suddenly grabbing. Tensing, I look over my shoulder to see the man from the alley is the bartender. Feeling uneasy, I look at him with hesitation, unsure how I feel about him.

"Have another one, on the house," his velvety voice lures me in, making me become numb as I reach for the drink.


I stare at the girl in front of me, the young woman known as, Rose. I slowly lick my lips while watching her down the shot with the "experiment" inside of it followed by her licking her own lips. She keeps her head tilted back with her eyes closed, allowing herself to relax. Smiling menacingly, I trail my eyes down her neck, the delicate skin lining her jugular seeming to call to me, but in the way to kill. Growling quietly as to not to alert her, I feel an erection growing in my pants as I watch her swallow once more, her neck moving along with the spit.

When no signs of rejection begin to occur with Rose, I lean against the counter and carefully trace one of my index fingers against her skin, the thin layer of sweat seeming erotic to someone like me. Rose's eyes slowly open and she looks at me slowly, eyes half-hooded, pupils smaller than normal. Unable to do anything to defy me, I caress her cheek carefully, my scarred hand caressing smooth and clear skin. Plump pale pink lips start to lure me in, the effects of the drug in her system being the reason for my reaction.

"Do you know who I am," I deep whisper to Rose, her eyes focused on my arm.

"No, but you seem... familiar." Rose moans out, her hand sliding up my raised arm.

"Just a little longer, Rose. Patience."

"DO YOU TRUST ME?" **REWRITTEN** | JEFF THE KILLER | MATUREWhere stories live. Discover now