Chapter Three

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Mood - Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman


The rustling of trees and the cool feel of the breeze running over my scorching skin is what wakes me. Fluttering my eyes open, I groan and sit up, my hand coming to my head. Coughing violently, I stand and look around my surroundings, my eyes widening when the sight of trees and dark wilderness greets me. Freezing in spot, I feel an anxiety attack beginning to form I spot a red liquid seeping out from behind a random tree. Gulping down my terror, I slowly take a step forward, the ground beneath my feet seeming to shake.

Taking deep breaths in and out, I hesitantly put my hand on the tree before slowly looking around to the other side. What I see before me causes all of my blood to freeze, my breathing erratic, and violent butterflies to swarm my belly. Covering my mouth to hold in a scream, I back away from the body pinned to the tree, a knife lodge in the esophagus, and the innards of the man pooling around his feet. Suddenly, only one thought passes through my mind; and it only, terrifies me more than the view. So that's what the small intestine looks like.

Unable to cope with all of my mixed feelings, I let out a piercing scream before turning away from the body, the smell reeking of rotten eggs and iron. Unable to control my gag reflex, I vomit against the tree in front of me, emptying all of the alcohol from my system. Hyperventilating, I pull my phone out of my bra and look at the percentage. Fifteen percent? Just enough.

Dialing my mother's number, I anxiously tap my foot while crying, waiting for an answer. "Come on, answer!" I cry out, my voice echoing in the woods.

"Rose, darling?" Mother's voice brings automatic comfort, my body trembling.

"Mom! I need--I need-" I suck in a large breath, my voice not working, my throat burning.

"Rose? Rose? What is it? I'll track your number, just stay on the phone!" Mom ushers, the sound of a keyboard in the background.

I keep crying while holding in my screams, refusing to look behind me at the body again. The sound of sirens wherever my mother is starts to ring through the phone, adding to my headache and making me panic more.

"There's a body! It's-it's,"

Mother hushes me gently while ordering for an M.E. to follow her to my location. "Rosie, can you look at the person's face? Can you tell me if it's the same M.O. as the last victim we found?"

"I can't," I squeak out, my voice shake-y and unsure, eyes squeezed shut. Suddenly, a familiar being sound starts go off from my phone. "Mom! My phone's about to die!" I cry again, my body shaking, vomit ready to pour from my mouth.

"It's okay, baby girl. I'll be there soon. Hang up and save your remaining battery," Mother persuades me, her voice calm and collected.

Taking a deep breath, I agree and press the red button, leaving me alone in the woods with a killer on the loose and a dead body. I place both of my hands against the tree and look down, keeping my eyes closed. When I begin to feel a presence encroach upon me, I open my eyes but keep looking at my feet, my vision blurry. As I stare at the ground, a pair of striking white hands, that look like leather, dig themselves into my hips. I cry out and nearly fall to the ground when whomever is behind pins me to the tree, their chest pressed firmly against my back.

Taking in heavy shake-y breaths, I don't look at who's behind me, to scared to function properly. A pair of smooth and yet, wet, lips brush against my earlobe. The faint smell of smoke, blood, body odor, and a really faint cologne invade my nose. More tears begin to form on my lash line.

"Looks like it wore off already," a familiar deep husky voice whines behind me. Whimpering, I feel the man press into me harder, his groin tucked against my ass.

"No need to cry, baby. I'm not going to hurt you. I plan on-"

The man suddenly falls quiet when police sirens are heard storming down the paths of the woods to get to me. "You'll remember soon, enough, Rosie. Until then, keep this close to you at all times."

The man growls in my ear while nipping at the lobe before shoving something down my shirt and into my bra. To scared to look at whatever it is, I nod and cry, to scared to say anything. Before the police get closer, the man let's go of me and gently pulls on a strand of my long and unruly hair before running off. Shaking in my heels, I turn and look behind me, expecting to see the man running in the distance. However, the only thing I'm left with is the body hanging loosely from the tree with the knife in the throat.


I do a full turn and look at my mother, the tears freely pouring from my eyes. Immediately, I run in her direction and wrap my arms around her, crying hard.


I sit in a treetop quite a bit away, using my binoculars to watch the scene unfold. Hungrily licking my lips, I watch Rose turn in her spot and look at the body behind her for a minute, eyes glazing over. Before she can walk to it, however, her mother calls her name. Growling to myself, I adjust my line of sight so I can watch Rose with her whore of a mother, Emma. Emma starts to look around Rose, staring at the body.

Biting my lip and itching for a smoke, I hold myself back as Emma sets Rose down on a gurney and heads over to the body, the small microphone I slipped into Rose's bra acting as my hearing aid.

"This is definitely the same killer as before, but something is... different," Emma sighs while squatting and looking at the body I left hanging; literally. "Some of these cuts and injuries seem novice like."

I chuckle to myself and turn my gaze back onto Rose who is looking down at her nails, a look of confusion plastered on her face as she digs "dirt" out from underneath.

Hoping down from the three, I turn away and head back towards "home". "This is going to be a fun little game, Rosie. See you soon."

"DO YOU TRUST ME?" **REWRITTEN** | JEFF THE KILLER | MATUREWhere stories live. Discover now