A Hotter Touch

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Bills finger was on the hem of Dippers shorts when he closed his eyes tightly.

He knew he wasn't going to give in the book either way. But what was worse, being burned and tortured? Or doing... this, with Bill?

Bill leaned in closer, his face right next to Dipper's. His breathing was growing unsteady, and the gag still over his mouth didn't help.

As Bill's chest touched his, he flinched, and shuddered. His fingers slowly pulling down the shorts.

Dipper didn't like this at all. He only wished he could protest, but Bill has restrained him in every way, and the only way he could tell Bill to stop was with his eyes. But Bill was too busy kissing Dippers neck.

It tickled at first, but it hurt when Bill's lips grazed over the burn mark on his collar bone. Dipper knew that if he couldn't even stand this, he didn't know how he was going to deal with what else Bill had planned.

Bill was touching and kissing his body all too silently, and it made Dipper uneasy. It seemed that Bill would normally be teasing and taunting him. Asking him questions he knew he couldn't answer, and mocking him.

Just when Dipper thought it got too quiet, Bill roughly grabbed his junk through his boxers, and laughed when Dipper jumped.

"You weren't ready for that at all, were you?" He mocked.

Dipper glared back at him, and clenched his fists tighter.

"Aww, don't give me that sour face now. Hmm..."
Bill thought for a moment, then looked at Dipper excitedly. "I know just what will sweeten you up Pinetree!" He concluded.

He then reached up to the gag, and slowly pulled it down. Before Dipper could say anything, he put his hand over his mouth.

"Now don't you think about doing anything stupid, or I might use that knife for something other than cutting your clothes." Bill threatened.

He slowly leaned in, and moved his hand away. Dipper gasped when their lips met, and his eyes shut tight.

Bill moved his lips slowly and softly, opposite to what Dipper was expecting.

Much to Bill's liking, Dipper didn't try to pull away, or yell an insult at him. He didn't kiss back either, but he just sat there still, as Bill kissed him slowly.

It was when Bill moved his tongue into his mouth, that Dipper moved his head away.

He didn't say anything, or even look at Bill angrily, or disgusted. He just sat with his eyes and mouth closed, in shock.

When Dipper slowly opened his eyes, Bill was looking at him sadly.

"You don't want to kiss me? Because I can always go back to touching you..." Bill whispered, sliding his hand back down Dipper's stomach.

Dipper gasped, and moved uncomfortably. He thought that maybe if he did what Bill wanted, it could distract him long enough for the Pines family to get him...

"Choose one pine tree." Bill wagered. "You have three seconds."

Dipper thought hard. Would it really work?

"One..." He said kissing his neck.

Grunkle Ford had a tracker for Dipper in his necklace, right?

"Two..." and Bill's hand snaked around his waist.

Would it really be that bad?


"Kiss me."

Those words excited Bill, and he slammed his lips to Dipper's. He eventually continued around the pace he was before, except this time, Dipper kissed back.

Their lips were sliding smoothly with each other, and Bill's hands held firmly to Dipper's hips. Dipper could feel the softness of Bill's face against his, and his breath was mixing harshly with his.

This was about as much as Dipper could take, and if he kept it up, maybe he could be saved in time...

Bill's tongue slid into Dippers mouth once again, and Dipper gasped against the kiss. He wasn't ready for this, but he knew he had to let it happen to please Bill.

After what seemed like 5-10 minutes of making out, Bill pulled away, and looked Dipper in the eyes.

"You liked that, didn't you?" Bill smirked.

"No." He answered plainly.

"Then why would you kiss back?" He asked with a silly expression on his face.

"It wasn't out of liking, or lust, or love Bill. It was out of fear." Dipper said, shaking a bit.

Bill's silly expression faded, and turned sad. For some reason, it hurt him to hear Dipper say that, though it's what he wanted in the beginning.

When Bill was about to say something back, there was a static noise coming from his jacket pocket on the metal table. His emergency walkie-talkie was getting a signal.

"Dipper? Dipper? It's Ford. You aren't answering your phone. Are you alright?" Said a staticky voice from the jacket.

Bill turned around and glared at it.

"We're coming to get you. Stay where you are." Said the voice again, and Dipper looked relieved, while anger built up on Bill's face.

"You knew they were coming, didn't you?" Bill boomed at him.

Dipper looked back to Bill's face with fear, but now a bit of spite.

"You didn't?" He sassed.

Bill slapped him, and began untying the rope around his hands.

The slap stung, but if Bill was untying those ropes, and taking him somewhere else, he knew he was in big trouble, and he was terrified.

"You had your chance, bitch." Bill hissed, and roughly pulled Dipper out of the chair.

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