Dinner With The Kim's

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"Son, glad you and your little girlfriend could make it." Jin's father greeted us at the door as a girl no older than us came out and bowed to me, she had deep purple hair and was wearing a blue dress. She was stunning, I envied her.

"I'm Kim Jisoo. Nice to meet you. Jin, good seeing you." She bowed to us as Jin rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, likewise." He sighed.

"Park Chae Eun." I bowed back as Jin's father chuckled.

"Let's go, your mother wont be joining us today." He said as Jin's hand tightened around mind while we followed him into a dining room. It was huge, a beautiful chandelier and the table was set so nicely. 

We all sat down, Jisoo sat across from Jin as Jin's father sat at the head of the table making me sit close to him on Jin's left. It was awkward as Jin sighed.

"There's no point in this father. I wont break up with Chae." He looked at him.

"Chae, your father left you a year ago right?" Mr. Kim said as my eyes widen a bit, how did he know that? "He works in my company."

"What?" I nearly choked. "How do you know that?"

"Because I know everything." He said sipping his wine. "Now, if you would like I could get you and your father together again."

"Why would you do that-"

"If you break up with my son right here, right now." He deadpanned.

Jin scoffed. "Seriously?! You put her own father against me? That's not right!"

"You mean I could see my dad again?" I looked down.

"Mm, you could even move in with him. He knows you're here and everything." He nodded.

"If he knows then why hasn't he called me?" I looked up at him. "I'm sorry sir, but if my father truly cared, he would have called me or emailed me by now. I love my father with all my heart, but I'd pick Jin over him."

"No you wont." He snapped.

"I see, this wasn't a choice." I chuckled standing up. "Apologies sir, but I wont be breaking up with your son anytime soon. I care about him way too much."

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "You think its going to last?" She looked at me. "Look at you, you're pretty sure. But Seokjin will become a CEO, easily. There will be women throwing themselves at him, a GIRL like you wont be able to keep him. A woman like me will be able to make sure he knows who to pick."

"Kim Jisoo!" Jin snarled standing up. "Enough of that, apologize!"

"No point." I shook my head. "She's nothing but a shallow bitch."

"Excuse me!?" She yelled. "Seokjin is a player Chae Eun! He will break your little heart and you will be begging for your father!"

I clicked my tongue of annoyance before taking my water and splashed it on her. "Shut up." I mumbled storming out with Jin right behind me.

"Chae?" He called my name softly as we exited his house, well more like fucking mansion. "Chae.." He said softly again but I was too angry to even aknowledge him. "Princess." His arms snaked around my waist pulling me against his body as we reached his car.

"What?" I mumbled again crossing my arms.

"Princess, I'm so sorry about my dad." He sighed kissing my cheek. "Don't be mad okay baby?"

"I'm beyond mad! I'm hurt and pissed!" I groaned trying to escape his arms but he was too strong.

"Baby girl." He whispered in my ear. "You need to calm down, I love when your pissed off because you're hot. But I hate knowing you're hurt."

I huffed puffing my cheeks out. "Why do you always say those type of things?"

"Say what?" He chuckled nibbling the bottom of my ear. 

"Soft things to make my heart melt." I pouted.

"Aw look at my baby girl." He chuckled again before turning me around facing him. "You're so cute,  why do you make me soft?"

"I make the Kim Seokjin soft? Aw!" I cupped his face and kissed him. "This is why I adore you."

He smirked wrapping his arms around me. "Well duh, I'm adored by everyone."

"Really?" I raised a brow. "Like who?"

"Guys, girls, men, women." He chuckled. "Mostly women."

"Oh, then you can go try making the soft, I'm sure they would love you." I rolled my eyes backing up from him and got in his car.

"Chae!" He whined getting in the drivers side. "I didn't mean it like that! I only want to make you soft, you're my baby girl, my princess! Please don't be mad at me!"

"Baby girl and princess my ass." I scoffed crossing my arms.

He place his hand on my thigh squeezing making me gasp a bit and looked at him. "Chae, don't mock my nicknames. I mean them. And they are only for you. Never once have I called another girl baby girl or princess." He kissed me softly still squeezing my thigh.

"Jin let go.." I whimpered a bit.

"Now I know one of your weaknesses." He smirked pulling away as he let go of my thigh. "I like seeing you like that."

"Ass." I mumbled.

"Love you too." He chuckled. "Why don't we go to your house, your parents are gone right?"

I nodded. "Mm, lets go." 

"Namjoon isn't going to be there again is he?" He mumbled driving off.

"Probably, he usually waits in my bedroom reading." I shrugged.

"Wait in your bedroom?" He stopped the car suddenly at a light. "Why in your bedroom?"

"He climbs through my window." I looked at him. "Are you jealous?"

"Hell yes I'm jealous!" He raised his voice. "You wont even let me in your bedroom yet you let him!?"

I tried not laughing. "Jin, he's like my brother. Why are you jealous?"

"Because you trust him more than me." He mumbled. "Stupid Namjoon, being able to go in your room."

"I'll text him not to come." I looked at him and traced his hand. "Then I can show you my bedroom, just the two of us. How does that sound?" I bit my lip.

"Really?" He looked at me and smirked. "I'd love that baby girl. Let's hurry."

I laughed at his eagerness. "How cute. Don't think you're going to get away with anything."

"We will see about that." He chuckled.

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