Ending 6💜

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Picture Not Created By Me. (watermark on the picture shows)
There may be Sappy stuff included and this story might be A Sequel to this.

Yuri's P.O.V

"Everyone! I have some Big Announcements to Make." Monika jumped around excitedly while Sayori had looked as if she almost choked on Natsuki's cupcakes from Monika's sudden, and loud voice. I smirked a little, but stopped quickly.

'What the heck's wrong with me for wanting Sayori to choke..?' I thought questioningly, but dismissed it once Monika started to tell her speech. "The Festival will be coming in a few days, so I'd like everyone to get a move on and work there best on Reciting there own Poems for the Upcoming Festival." Everyone nodded in understanding, while Sayori wiped the little tears out her eyes from almost choking.

"Yuri, I'm trusting you to work on the banners for this Festival to help lighten the atmosphere because you have really great hand-writing and you're talented." Monika ordered, but not harshly. I smiled back at her when she had complimented me, and replied with. "I'd be glad to accept this Position." My eyes wandered over to Natsuki, she was staring at the wall and her eye darkened, today she had hid her other Eye with her hair for some reason, which caught my attention.

"Natsuki?" Monika called to her. Natsuki still kept looking to the wall with no response, which made Sayori and I feel concern for her. "Natsuki, earth to Natsuki. Are you there?" Monika called once more. Natsuki blinked her eyes and looked to Monika's direction in surprise. "If it isn't much of a bother...but are you willing to bake more cupcakes? For the Festival." Monika asked.

Natsuki just hummed a yes from her lips and looked back to the wall once more. 'What's with Natsuki today..?' "Oh, and Sayori?" Monika said. "Yes?" Sayori answered. "If you'd like, I think it'd be pretty cool of you to help me during the Weekend with a couple of Posters." Sayori nodded quickly. "Sure, I have nothing to do anyways." 'I gotta confront Natsuki on why she has her hair in front of her Left Eye..' I thought to myself.

After Monika had finished her speech, everyone went on with what they would usually do in the Club. But Today, I decided I'd do something different. "Hey Natsuki, care to read with me?" I went up to Natsuki and looked at her cheerfully. She just blinked a couple of times before nodding. "Mm." She responded in agreement. "Great, I know a spot where we can read together!" I said to her.

Natsuki walked with me down the lonely and quiet hallway, I sat next to a vending machine, and Waited for Natsuki to sit down next to me as well. "What Novel are we gonna read anyways..." Natsuki spoke to me, looking unhappy and annoyed. "Ah, um..well, it's..." I carefully showed the Novel cover to Natsuki's face, and then opened the book to the first page.

'Okay Yuri, Natsuki is like a time-bomb, she might go off quickly so I have to be able to find what wires to cut and not make her explode...'

"Hey, Natsuki?" I called to her. "What is it?" She asked. "Why...do you have one of your eyes covered?" I tilted my head to show I was confused on why she did that, but her eyes quickly darkened and she looked away to the floor. "Geez..it's none of your beeswax Yuri, why should I even tell you?" 'This is going downhill real quick..I gotta do something...' I panicked for a moment, but soon calmed down and chose the right words to say.

"Natsuki, even though we've only just met, and that we get into many arguments and such...I'm still your friend, and you can trust me. You've..kept my secret..." I trailed off and slid my sleeve down to reveal some of the cuts slowly healing. "...so you can trust me." I finished. Natsuki whirled her head back at me and she bit her lip and let her eyes deepen into a darker shade. She slowly began to sob and tears fell slowly down on her face.

"A-Ah! Natsuki I-I'm Sorry! Please forgive m-!" Natsuki suddenly pulled me into a hug, while pushing her face onto my chest, I slowly started to linger my arms around her back and hug gently. Her warmth was warm, and made me feel comfortable, after we departed, she quickly wiped her eyes and then pushed her hair that was covering her eye away, revealing a Black Eye.

"N...Natsuki, who did this to you?" Natsuki just sighed and pressed her back gently against the firm wall. "..My Dad...ever since my Mother left..he's been having a rough time, and takes all of it out on me." My heart ached to see Natsuki in this state, no, not ached, was torn into shreds from seeing her in this state.

"Natsuki..I had no idea you've been living like this..." She simply smiled, a sad smile and then placed her hair back on her black eye. "It's okay..once we all Graduate from Highschool and go to College, I'd be able to move out of my Dad's house and be Safe, away from where he is." I furrowed my eyebrows, 'Why can't you move out now..?'

Silence came, only for a moment, before I finally bursted the words, "..Natsuki, I've...always lived alone, and I have been looking for a roommate to live with for awhile. So.." Natsuki's eyes brightened in surprise but darkened once more. "I can't..my Dad will find me and.."

"Natsuki, I don't care what your Dad thinks, I...don't wanna see you hurt, for some reason, whenever you're here with me, you always make me calm and feel like there's something in life that I'd be able to live for.." I clenched my teeth and my face flushed. 'This is going really fast.. My heart is slowly aching.'

"...Yuri, I'll live with you, I don't wanna be with my Dad anymore and live through the abuse...Maybe, for once, I could finally contact the Police about this and become free without my Dad's will." I smiled, feeling satisfied and happy. "Still..I feel like there's something wrong, what if the Police thinks I'm lying? Or what if my Dad hurts you? Or-"

I don't know why, but, something in me has blossomed for the first time in years. I pushed my lips onto Natsuki's lightly and slowly after that, she had kissed back.


(A/N - SORRY THIS WAS SHORT, Also like I said, there might be a sequel to this story, if I have some time, and this was one of the sappiest stories I've madeeeeeeeee. I hoped you enjoy this, I'm glad people actually like this story? this kind of took me by surprise ^^ anyways thanks again for reading this Story!)

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