Chapter 1- Young Percy

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I do not own Marvel or Percy Jackson. All rights go to the respective owners.

3rd person

     If Tony Stark knew one thing about Percy Stark, it is that he is a handful. He had ADHD, that much was clear. He was never still, even for a little kid. He also absolutely loved helping Dada in the lab. Unlike most 4 year olds, he doesn't get in the way. He would be a silent observer, then would try things out on his own.
     When Percy was five years old, Tony whent missing in Afghanistan. During this time Percy stayed with Uncle Happy.
     Happy tried to keep Percy in the dark. He did not want him knowing what actually happened to Tony. But the kid was observent, and almost never left Happy's side. So he figured a few things out.
     After Percy heard the truth, he almost never spoke for the three months Tony was gone. But, when Tony did return, Percy wasted no time. He ran straight to his Father, and tackled him in a hug, silent tears running, like rivers down his face.
Percy did not leave his father's side for hours that day. And for weeks after, the two were never too far apart.

     Now our story will pick up when Percy is ten years old and Loki is invading New York.

Percy Stark
(he took Tony's last name because he was three when he was adopted and did not have a choice)

     "I need to do something, I have too much energy!" I complained. I was pacing the living room of the Malibu house. Uncle Happy took me here when things got weird in New York.
     "Well can you stop pacing, it's getting on my nerves." My not so cheerful uncle said from the couch.
     "I can't. Because if I stop moving then my energy will build up. And my mind will wonder, and I will see bad things. Then I will either do something stupid or make the plumbing explode!" I said this all in one breath.

     We started discovering my powers last year. We were at the beach, and I was in the ocean. I had swam far out, and Dad could not see me. He started calling my name, but I didn't hear him. That was because I was underwater, and breathing. After a few minutes I swam back to shore and got out. But I was completely dry.
     We were all baffled. That was until the letter came. On my bed that night was a note from Posidion, it explained everything.

     Ok back on topic. "Then go do something, just stop pacing!" Happy told me.
     I sighed and plopped down on the couch next to him. "I'm worried Happy, we haven't heard anything, what if he's not okay."
     Happy turned and looked at me. "Perce, Tony promised he would come home. So he will, has he ever broke a promise he made to you?"
     I shook my head, "I'm still worried"

     The next day was very stress full. But, when I heard the door opened, and familiar footsteps coming down the hall, I sighed in relief.
     I jumped up from where I was sitting at the table, and ran into the living room to hug my father.
     "Dad, I was so worried!" I told him as I hugged him tight.
     "I'm here bud, I'll always be here."
     I pulled away from Dad, dragging him to the couch, and looked him over. A couple bumps and bruses, but nothing to bad. Then I noticed.
     "Where is your stuff?"
     "New York, where you will be soon!" He told me with a smirk.
     "Do I get to meet them?" I asked excitedly.
     "All but thunder head," he told me jokingly.
     "How are we getting there?" I asked
     "Flying" he told me quickly.
     I looked up at him slightly worried. "Why can't we, oh I don't know, take a boat?" I asked not wanting to fly.
     "How do you want to go? Panama canal, or around South America?" Dad asked playing along.
     "Panama is to torristy, let's go around."
     "Ay ay captain" he said with a salute. We both laughed at his stupid jokes.
     "But seriously bud, I told the team I would be gone for a day."
     "So we have to fly, yeah yeah yeah I know." I sighed and dramatically flopped backwards onto the couch.                 Dad held out his hand, I took it and he pulled me up. 
     He ruffled my hair, "okay, go pack."
I nodded and ran up to my room to get my stuff.
     A few minutes later I came back with a doffle bag, that had my clothes, and a backpack that that had my computer and designs.
     I walked over to Dad and Happy. "Okay I'm ready." I said with a smile.
     Dad nodded, "Well then, let's go meet some superheroes!"

Third person

     A few hours later, the Stark private jet landed in a private ariway. Tony, Happy, and Percy got out of the jet and headed to a waiting car. Happy drove, and Tony sat in the back with his son.
     On the plane and in the car, Percy excitedly showed Tony some designs he had come up with. Tony helped improve them, and promised to help the kid make them.
     Soon enough the car pulled into the Stark Tower garage. Percy got of the car and ran inside. He went to his room, and through his stuff down on his bed. Then he continued on to the kitchen where he grabbed a popsicle.
     Percy sat at the island, completely ignoring the superhero gathered in the living room, eating his blue frozed goodness.

     When Tony finally came all Percy said was, "your slow"
     And Tony responded with, "who in their right mind allowed this child to have sugar?!?" He directed the question at his team.
     Steve cleared his throat, "um, Tony? Would you mind introducing us to your hyperactive friend?"
      Stark smirked, "This my good friends is my nephew/son Perseus Jackson Stark."
     Percy gave them a big wave, and a goofy smile.
     "Guys wanna introduce yourself?" Tony asked the others.
     "I'm Clint"
     "Agent Hwak" Percy said with a nod.
     "The Star Spangled Man With a Plan" Tony gave him a smile of approval.
     "Joly Green" the kid said with another nod.
      Now everyone turned to Natasha, all wanting to hear what Percy would say for her.
      "Agent Crazy Awesomeness"
      Clint snorted, and Tasha had a smile on her face.
     "Taught you well I have Padawan." Tony told his son with his best Yoda impression.
     Percy looked up at him, "Thank you master Yoda!"
      Clint sighed, "Great, there are two of them now!"


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